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"XX struggles for equality with XY" Brief History of Women's Rights

  • "Let Them Look At Books."

    "Let Them Look At Books."
    The first endowed school for girls, Troy Female Seminary, is founded by Emma Hart Willard in New York. It is the first American institution that offers advanced education for women.
  • "Let Me Be Free!"

    "Let Me Be Free!"
    New York City Hosts the first National Female Anti-Slavery Society Convention. It is attended by a total of eight-oe delegates from twelve states. It is the first women's national political meeting.
  • "Secondary School? I guess it's okay."

    "Secondary School? I guess it's okay."
    In Massachusetts, Mary Lyon founds Mount Holyoke College. It eventually becomes the first four-year college in the United States was exclusively for women.
  • "What do you mean I need protection?"

    "What do you mean I need protection?"
    Charles Goodyear patents the vulcanization of rubber. This provides women for the first time with reliable condoms. Its effective use contributed to the downward, century-long spiral of the birth rate in the United States.
  • "You're a woman, figure out how to balance work and babies."

    "You're a woman, figure out how to balance work and babies."
    Seamstresses meet at a convention to organize the Women's Political Union to fight for women's equal rights, an increase in minimum wages and a reduced workday. Currently the women were working fifteen-hour days.
  • "You could probably join the big boys club..."

    "You could probably join the big boys club..."
    Maria Mitchell becomes the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences after her discovery of a coment.
  • "By George, is she wearing pants?"

    "By George, is she wearing pants?"
    Elizabeth Smith Miller begins wearing what will become known as "bloomers" in Seneca Falls, New York.
  • "Women Agree: If Men Must Own Skirts, Then Women Can Own Pants."

    "Women Agree: If Men Must Own Skirts, Then Women Can Own Pants."
    Clarina Nichols told her rude political opponents:
    "That though she had bought the dress she work with her own money, her husband by law owned it, not of his own will, but by a ‘law adopted by bachelors and other women’s husbands.’ She said she didn’t think it was fair for men to tease women about wanting to wear men’s pants until men had given up their right to own women’s skirts.”
  • "You want to keep your name?"

    "You want to keep your name?"
    Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell marry. She is the first women in the United States to keep her maiden name.
    “While acknowledging our mutual affection by publicly assuming the relationship of husband and wife, yet in justice to ourselves and a great principle, we deem it a duty to declare that this act on our part implies no sanction of, nor promise of voluntary obedience to such of the present laws of marriage, ..."
  • "I suppose if you grow the baby, you can have a say over what happens."

    "I suppose if you grow the baby, you can have a say over what happens."
    In Kansas territory, Clarina Nichols, Mary Tenney Gray and Mother Armstrong representing Douglas and Shawnee counties women's groups to attend the Wyadotte constitution convention.
    Although they were unsuccessful in the passage of women’s suffrage--women were granted the unprecedented right to have equal custody rights of their children and the right to acquire and possess property.
  • "Equal Rights, for you?"

    "Equal Rights, for you?"
    In New York, married women are granted rights over their children, the right to retain their wages, and the right to sue and be sued in court.
  • "Build it and they will come."

    "Build it and they will come."
    Vassar Liberal Arts College for women was started in 1861.
  • "Woman and Slaves Given Rights - In Theory."

    "Woman and Slaves Given Rights - In Theory."
    The Fourteenth Amendment is ratified extending to all citizens the protection of the Constitution against state laws that are unjust. Section 1 of the amendment gives citizenship to all persons borh or naturalized in the United States, including emancipated slaves.
  • "She Wants to Practice Law?"

    "She Wants to Practice Law?"
    In Iowa, Arabella Mansfield, at the age of 23, becomes the first officially recognized female lawyer in the United States.
  • "Grandma's got a voice!"

    "Grandma's got a voice!"
    The Utah territorial legislature approves full suffrage for women - 17,179 female voters are enfranchised. Casting the first female vote in Wyoming territory is 70-year-old Eliza A. "Grandma" Swai of Laramie.
  • "We'll make an example of her yet."

    "We'll make an example of her yet."
    Susan B. Anthony is allowed to register and cast a vote. She is later arrested for "illegal voting" and has her bail set at $1,000. In today's world that is the equal to $75,081.00. The other women who went with her were arrested as well and had their bail set at $100.00 which is equal too $270.27. Susan B. Anthony was found guilty and fined $100.00 plus all of the related costs. She appealed this fine, but it was not reversed.
  • "You're married. You don't get a voice."

    "You're married. You don't get a voice."
    Myra Bradwell, a married woman, is barred from practicing law in Illinois. She shues the state claiming that the Fourteenth Amendment prevents states from overriding rights granted by the gederal goernment. The case is argued before the U.S. Sureme court. Eight out of nine justices agree with the Illinois court that a married woman may not practice law in Illinois.
  • "It can't always be a boys club."

    "It can't always be a boys club."
    Alta Hulett, having been denied admission to the Illinois bar, drafted a bill that is passed by the Illinois legislature which provided that no person could be discriminated against in employment on account of sex except for milutary service. Hulett becomes the first female attorney in the state of Illinois.
  • "Bumps on the gential region may be *****."

    "Bumps on the gential region may be *****."
    Congress passes the Comstock Law, an amendment to the 1865 Postal Act, making it a crime to import or distribute devices, medicine or information in an attempt to prevent conception or cause abortion. It is even a crime to mention the names of STDs in print. Physicians and nurses are legally prevented from providing their patients with any such information.
  • "Dang Women and their Dang Education."

    "Dang Women and their Dang Education."
    Schools start popping up everywhere. Wellesley and Smith Colleges both open in 1875.
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    States to Accept Suffrage

  • "Birth Control Is Such A Nuisance."

    "Birth Control Is Such A Nuisance."
    In Brooklyn, New York, on October 16th, Margaret Sanger and her sister, Ethel Byrne, open the first birth control clinic in the United States. Ten days later it is shut down. Sanger and Byrne are arrested, tried, and convicted of “maintaining a public nuisance.” Sanger serves thirty days, after her release she wins an appeal, which paved the way for physicians to give advice about birth control in New York City.
  • "You Will Eat!"

    "You Will Eat!"
    Alice Paul and others were arrested for picketing outside the whitehouse. They were arrested for "obstructing the sidewalk". Alice Paul and her companions refused to eat and were force fed by the guards and physicians. This was a complete violation of their constitutional rights and gained national attention. The nation was appauled and pushed Congress to ratify the Fourteenth amendment.
  • "Freedom for ALL!"

    "Freedom for ALL!"
    Congress is pushed to the limit and finally ratifies the Fourteenth amendment. Women, children, and emancipated slaves are considered free citizens of the United States (born in the states or naturalized)! All states now accept Women's Sufferage. This is also known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment.
  • Rosie the Riveter

    Rosie the Riveter
    A "real life Rosie the Riveter" was depicted by Norman Rockwell in a cover for a Saturday Evening Post. Rosie the Riveter was the creation from a song Redd Evens and John Jebb Loeb in 1942. Rosie Will Monroe was discovered by Walter Pidgeon when he was touring the Ford Motor Company. On his recommendation, Rosie Will Monroe starred as herself in a government film promoting the war.
  • Griswold v. Connecticut

    Griswold v. Connecticut
    The Supreme Court nullified a Connecticut statute prohibiting the use of birth control by married persons, argueing that the right to marital privacy protects the access of married couples to contraceptives.
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    The Summer of Love

    The Summer of Love began and a sexual revolution spread through the nation. Timothy Leary introduced therapy with acid, and women began expressing themselves sexually. They wore what they wanted and slept with who they wanted. The Summer of Love came to an end, and "Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll" became the youths new motto.
  • Eisenstadt v. Baird

    Eisenstadt v. Baird
    The Court struck down a law prohibiting the distribution of birth control to umarried adults.
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    The 1980's Recession

    1980 to 1982 brought the worst recession since the post-WWII economic downturns. This recession forced many people out of a job and back into school. Furthermore, it forced many women back into school where they got diplomas. Women were now entering the workforce with education and training. Two incomes were needed to support a family, and men suddenly had to depend on women as well. While there was still many issues that needed to be resolved, this recession forced America to step forward.
  • Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson

    Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson
    The Supreme Court finds that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination.
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    Marital Rape Becomes Illegal

  • The Violence Against Women Act

    The Violence Against Women Act
    This act tightens federal penalties for sex offenders, funds services for victims of rape and domestic violence, ad provides for special training of police officers.
  • United States V. Virginia

    United States V. Virginia
    The Supreme Court rules that the all-male Virginia Military School has to admit women i order to continue to receive public funding. It holds that creating a separate all-female school will not suffice.
  • Kolstad v. American Dental Association

    Kolstad v. American Dental Association
    The Supreme Court rules that a woman can sue for puitive damages for sex discrimination if the anti-discrimination law was violated with malice or indifference to law, even if that conduct was not especially severe.