Yasmina reza (2)

Yasmina Reza

  • Birth

    On May 1, 1959, Yasmina Reza was born and raised in Paris, France. Reza was the child of French-immigrated Jewish parents. Her Iranian father was an engineer, businessman, and a pianist, and her mother was a violinist originally from Budapest.
  • Studies

    Reza studied at the University of Paris X, Nanterre, and at the drama school of Jacques Lecoq before working as an actress.
  • Beautiful figure

    Beautiful figure
    which she wrote for the Schaubühne in Berlin and later directed in a 2017 Paris production.
  • Love Life

    Love Life
    Yasmina Reza married Didier Martin who is a French politician. They also had t kids together
  • Conversations after a Burial

    Conversations after a Burial
    she began to write her own plays.She completed her first play, Conversations after a Burial in 1987 and was awarded the Moliere Award for Best Author, the French equivalent of the Tony. It was then later première in 2000, at the Almeida Theatre, London
  • The unexpected man

    The unexpected man
    was revived by the Royal Shakespeare Company and was nominated for the BBC Award for Best New Play at the Laurence Olivier Theater Awards.
  • Nathan Reza

    Nathan Reza
    She is a 34 year old women who has become the opposite of her mom. She is criminal lawyer.
  • Alta Reza

    Alta Reza
    She is a 34 year old women who has grown into being the complete opposite of her mom. She is criminal lawyer.
  • La Traversée de l’hiver (Winter Crossing)

    La Traversée de l’hiver (Winter Crossing)
    It is a monologue in which a woman named Nathalie reflects on various aspects of her life, relationships, and experiences. The play revolves around her contemplations on topics such as aging, motherhood, relationships, and existential questions about the meaning of life.
  • Art

    Tony winning award Art play is about the value of friendship and specifically art. She expressed the meaning of art using a soild white painting. Written in 1994 and translated into 40 different languages.
  • L’Homme du hasard (Paris, France)

    L’Homme du hasard (Paris, France)
    The Unexpected Man, Translation by Christopher Hampton in 1998. Following long monologues by a self-absorbed male author and his female seatmate and fan, the play ends with a brief dialogue between the two that centres on people’s need for one another.
  • Rezas comment on ‘Art’

    Rezas comment on ‘Art’
    Reza thought ‘Art’ was a disaster because she could hear the audience laughing. While this story is anecdotal, it is supported, at least in theme, by comments Reza has made elsewhere. “My plays are tragedy, funny tragedy,” she told Business Week in 2001. “To me, ‘Art’ is heartbreaking.” ”
  • Life x 3

    Life x 3
    Trois versions de la vie is the fifth play by the French writer Yasmina Reza, written in 2000. It was produced at the Théâtre in Paris in 2001.
  • A Spanish Play

    A Spanish Play
    “A Spanish play” a play written by Yasmina reza which consists about a cast of actors rehearsing for and appearing in a play written by a Spanish playwright, gives insight into the theatrical world.
  • God of Carnage

    God of Carnage
    In three months, Reza finished writing Le Dieu du Carnage (God of Carnage) after her 13-year-old son's buddy broke his tooth in a fight with another kid. God of Carnage was the winner of a Laurence Olivier Award after then transferring to Broadway in 2009 which saw it go on to win a Tony Award and become the third-longest running show of the decade.
  • A Wild God

    A Wild God
    The story follows a middle-aged couple, Andrea and Boris, who find themselves in an awkward situation when they attend a dinner party hosted by another couple. The evening begins as a social gathering, but soon, tensions arise as secrets and personal issues surface. The play delves into the fragility of relationships, the fears and insecurities of the characters, and the often humorous, sometimes painful, moments that arise in social situations.
  • God of Carnage

    God of Carnage
    In collaboration with Polanski, Reza wrote the screenplay adaptation of her own play God of Carnage for the 2011 Polanski film Carnage.
  • Yasmina view on theatre

    Yasmina view on theatre
    Theatre is a mirror, a sharp reflection of society. The greatest playwrights are moralists." And it is true that in her plays, pretension, hypocrisy and emotional carelessness are skewered with devastating accuracy.