You ask my grandmother.

  • Did you cheat on an exam?

    Did you cheat on an exam?
    "Yes of course, I cheated on a math test because I didn't know the multiplication tables and I wrote them down on a piece of paper that I put under my skirt to look at it."
  • What is the most important in life for you?

    What is the most important in life for you?
    "The family is the most important thing because they are the engine to move forward and I long to live more to see them grow and advance, even if they are rude bad-tempered but they are the ones I enjoy the most."
  • What will happen to our planet by 2030?

    What will happen to our planet by 2030?
    "Anyway, as humanity we are getting worse and the only thing they do is bring children into the world without thinking about their future. It seems that they did not reflect on this pandemic and we will continue to be the worst species."