

By 1070087
  • 1901- first radio

    1901- first radio
    Guglielmo Marconi successfully sent the first radio message across the Atlantic Ocean in December 1901 from England to Newfoundland. Marconi's radio did not receive voice or music. instead it received buzzing sounds created by a spark gap transmitter sending a signal using Morse code.
  • 1910

    In 1910, the responsibility for radio station lists was transferred from the Navys Equipment Bureau to the Navys Steam Engineering Burea. Late in 1912 the licensing of radio stations was under the Commerce Department, and all of the lists of licensed radio stations in the United States were under the responsibility of the Bureau of Navigation. The first radio broadcast was on January 13, 1910, and it was a transmission of a live performance in the Metropolitan opera house in New York City.
  • 1920

    Between 1923 and 1930, 60 percent of American families had purchased radios Radio ownership as well as radio stations majorly increased throughout the United States in the 20's. By 1922, there were 600 radio stations around the United States. Crystal radios were the first radios used, and in the 20's manufacturers worked hard to improve them .The radios around the 20's were battery operated, and as soon as they moved to battery powered radios, the popularity of the radio went up majorly.
  • 1930s

    The 1930's were definitely considered the golden age for the radio. In 1930 about 12 million households owned a radio and at the end of this decade this number was up to 28 million.The radio was pretty much the center of American culture at this time in history.During the times of the depression the radio was not only a source of entertainment it was somewhat a relief of people's troubles from the day.
  • 1940

    During the 1940s, radio was a very big part of America because of broadcasting and reporting information on the war
    In the 1940s, many comedy shows and other shows that played on the radio were transferred to television.The 40s was a changing point in the radio, where many things that were played on the radio were changed to television for entertainment.
  • 1950

    In the 1950s, the radio became less and less popular, and the television eventually took over.
  • 2016

    Radios today are everywhere. They're blue-tooth and you can even use your phone for music