13 colonies pic

13 Colonies Timeline

  • First Colony

    First Colony
    The first colony that was founded was the Virginia Colony. Virginia was founded by the English after a failed attempt to establish a colony on Ranoake Island.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    The first Thanksgiving was held because the Native Americans helped the colonists through a difficult year and taught them how to hunt and fish.
  • First Puritans Arive

    First Puritans Arive
    The first puritans came to the colonies, and wanted to purify the church of England. They made the village Salem in the colony of Massachusetts.
  • Harvard College Founded

    Puritans founded the first college in the English colonies, Harvard College. This college is now known as Harvard. it is the most famous college now and was the most famous college then
    Click here to learn more about the Harvard college in colonial times
  • Toleration Act

    The Maryland Colony passes the Toleration Act, which gives all Christians religious freedom in that colony. Learn more here
  • Period: to

    King Philips War

    King Philips war started because the colonists were taking over Wampanoag tribe land. The Wampanoags and colonists were originally peaceful. The Indians attacked the colonial settlements. The colonists then attacked other tribes settlements, this caused the other tribes to fight on the Wampanoag's side. The war between the Indians and settlers ended when King Philip was caught and executed Click here for more information
  • Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    During the period of the Middle Passage, millions of African slaves were forced onto boats to go to the colonies to work as slaves.
  • Fort Mose

    Fort Mose
    Fort Mose was the first ex-slave settlement. It was a community of slaves who had been released or bought their freedom.
  • Decleration of Indipendence

    The Declaration of Independence was made for colonies that wanted to become independent to England, Spain, or France.
    Learn more here
  • First Flag

    First Flag
    This flag was the first American flag. The flag had a ring of 13 stars that represent the 13 colonies