• Second World War started

    The war was declared when Hitler invaded Poland. People heard about the cruelty of Nazis.
  • Winston Churchill was elected

    He was elected Prime Minister for the first time. He dealt with WWII successfully
  • Orwell's novel "Animal Farm"

    This novel is about policy, is a parable of the corruption of Communism
  • Second World War ended

    USA joined the war and Germany finally surrendered.
  • Atomic age

    Britain and the US used the new atomic bombs to defeat Japan, they destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • The United Nations

    It was created by the Allies, they invited less powerful nations. Its basis were freedom of speech and expression, of worship, freedom from fear and from want
  • New National Assistance Act

    The Labour Government brought in a new National Assistance Act which gave everyone the right to free medical treatment
  • Britain lost India

    It was a result of a nationalist movement, led my Mahatma Gandhi and also it was extremely expensive to try to rule 300 million people.
  • "The Age of Anxiety" by W.H Auden

    It is a long poem, is often seen as giving a "label" to the second half of the 20th century
  • "Nineteen Eighty-four" by George Orwell

    It was a dystopian work as well as Huxley's "Brave new World"
  • "The Movement" started

    It was a group of poets which represented a different way of perceiving the world
  • Absurd drama and Social drama

    A new kind of drama began to reach the theatres of Europe during the 1950s
  • Queen Elizabeth was crowned

  • "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R Tolkien

    He created a fictional world that encompasses mythology, fable and fantasy and reached a huge number of readers
  • "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett

    It is based on waiting, in the eternal hope that "tomorrow everything will be better"
  • Britain lost the Suez Canal

    Egypt decided to take it off. Britain and France attacked Egypt but the US forced Britain to remove its troops from Egypt.
  • "Hawk Roosting" by Ted Hughes

    It is one of his best-known poems, the author presents the hawk as a powerful bird which catches and eats smaller birds and animals
  • "Sword of Honour" trilogy by Evelyn Waugh

    It was considered the most important trilogy about the Second World War
  • Beckett won Nobel Prize for Literature

  • Britain joined European Common Market

    Britain couldn't afford to stay out of Europe and after years of tries, it finally became a member
  • New movement of women

    In 1975 it became unlawful to treat women differently from men in matters of employment and pay.
  • Margaret Thatcher was elected

    She was the first woman who was elected Prime Minister and the person who lasted most in this position. (1979-1990)
  • Falklands war

    Britain declared war to Argentina for Falklands Islands
  • Magic Realism started

    A new kind of magic is found in novels of Angela Carter, it is magic realism.
  • "The Man with Night Sweats" by Thom Gunn

    It shows an even more uninhibited expression of gay themes
  • Diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II