
1960s Timeline Project

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    1960s Timeline Project

  • The Sit-In Movement

    The Sit-In Movement
    James Lawson, an African American Minister, began a sit-in campaign after four college students were denied service because of their race at a lunch counter in Greensbro, North Carolina.
  • Warren Court

    Warren Court
    Legislative reforms are being fought against in the Supreme Court with Earl Warren
  • First Televised Presidential Debate

    First Televised Presidential Debate
    Vice President Richard Nixon and Senator John F. Kennedy were the first canidates for the 1960 presidential debate that were televised for more than 70 million Americans. c
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    The Supreme Court ordered that all bus stations must become integrated. The Law however, was not being enforced. President John F. Kennedy was a supporter of civil rights, though he did not want to anger the white folk in the south even more than they already were. African Americans started taking Freedom Rides on the buses, and sitting in White Only seats. They would use White-Only bathrooms and water fountains, Harsh conditions became of the African Americans though on one single Freedom Ride.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion Complete Failure

    Bay of Pigs Invasion Complete Failure
    U.S Bomber air strike failed to destory Cuba's ariforce when 1,200 exiled Cubans were captured by Fidell Castro's troops. Additional airstrikes were canceled after Cuba realized the United States involvement. The poor planning of the invasion led to the failure.
  • Vienna Conference

    Vienna Conference
    Kennedy and Knruschev meet in Vienna, Austria to discuss international affairs.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    Martin Luther King Jr. was invited to lead more demonstations for the civil rights movement in Albany, Georgia. King was arrested and refused to pay his fine and remain in jail until the city agreed to desegregate itself.
  • Twenty-Fourth Amendment Passed

    Twenty-Fourth Amendment Passed
    This amendment to the United States Constitution banned states from taxing citizens to vote in elections.
  • Kennedy sends more troops into Vietnam

    Kennedy sends more troops into Vietnam
    In December of 1961, there were about 3,000 U.S troops stationed in South Vietnam. By 1963, that number increased to about 16,000 U.S troops.
  • Vietnam Buddists set themselves on fire

    Vietnam Buddists set themselves on fire
    Vietnam Buddists begin to protest Diem's oppression of religion. At a busy Saigon intersetion, buddists set themselves on fire to begin world's attention to the country.
  • Kennedy Assassinated!!

    Kennedy Assassinated!!
    President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas while riding in a convertable automobile to deliver a speech to the state/nation on his relection campaign.
  • Johnson Becomes President

    Johnson Becomes President
    Aboard Air Force One, Vice President Lydon B. Johnson is sworn into office after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    Lee Harvey Oswald is accused of assinating President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was shot while riding in an open car of a motorcade in Dallas where he was expected to deliever a speech about his re-election campaign.
  • War on Poverty?

    War on Poverty?
    Lyndon B. Johnson, in his State of the Union Address, said that he was going to create new jobs and bring people out of poverty.
  • Crisis in Mississippi?

    Crisis in Mississippi?
    A volunteer, Andrew Goodman, from Freedom Summer disappeared while in Mississippi to teach at a local summer school. With 2 CORE memebers, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner, they went to inspect a local church that had been recently bombed, They were arrested in Philadelphia, Mississippi for speeding and held in jail until that evening. They paid their tickets and were released from jail, but were never heard from again.
  • USS Maddox Attacked!

    USS Maddox Attacked!
    USS destroyer, Maddox, was in the Gulf of Tonki, off the coast of North Vietnam, was attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on August 2nd, 1964.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    Beginnings of the plans for Medicare and Mediaid are brought to the United States by President Johnson.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    A civil rights law that banned literacy tests and other practices that discouraged black from voting.
  • Antiwar Demonstration

    Antiwar Demonstration
    More than 20,000 people walked down the streets to the capital, Washington D. C. where they petitioned to Congress that they take immediate action to end the war in Vietnam.
  • Jesse Jackson founds Civils Rights Organization

    Jesse Jackson founds Civils Rights Organization
    Founded his own Civil Rights Organization, Operation PUSH. He became an international for his work on behalf of the poor and oppressed people around the globe. His campaigns for Democractic presidential nomination in the 1980s raised the possibility of one day having an African American president.
  • Troops at War

    Troops at War
    The United States has sent in over 486,000 troops into South Vietnam of the coarse of two years. Two years ago, that number was at about 185,000 troops. Though, the war was on our side.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education Trial Begins Today

    Brown vs. Board of Education Trial Begins Today
    Linda Brown was an elementary school black girl who wanted to walk to the all white school that was near her home. It was a safer walk than to walk the mile(s) to the all black school in her town. Her parents took the case to the Supreme Court.
  • The Black Panther Party Rises

    The Black Panther Party Rises
    Is a group formed in 1966, inspired by the idea of Black Power, which provided help to black neighborhoods. They called for violent revolution as a means of African American freedom.
  • Little Rock Nine taken to school by USA Army

    Little Rock Nine taken to school by USA Army
    9 students of color were not allowed in a (now) integrated school. The Govenor of the State refused to let them into school without having segregated school systems. He posted the National Guard outside the school in order to not let them in.
  • North attacks South

    North attacks South
    At the start of Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, the two countries agreed to have cease of fire on that one holiday to celebrate. in 1968 though, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese army took advantage of this day and attacked more than 12 U. S. Military bases and more than 100 South Vietnamese cities with over 84,000 Communist soldiers.
  • Attack on the U.S. Embassy

    Attack on the U.S. Embassy
    19 Vietcong fighters jumped out of vehicles at the U.S. Embassy in South Vietnam and opened fire with automatic weapons. By the end of the fight, only two Vietcong and five American soldiers were dead, From the beginning of this fight, it would immediatiely change the course of the Vietnam War from then.
  • Martin Luther king Jr. Assassinated!!!

    Martin Luther king Jr. Assassinated!!!
    Martin Luther King Jr. was leading a march to to city hall in Memphis, Tennessee to make a speech on job discrimination and pay policies. The day after the rally, James Earl Ray, a white sniper with a high-powered rifle, shot and killed King as he was standing of the balcony of his motel room.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    A week after Martin Luther King Jr.'s death President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 banning the discrimination in the sale or rental of any type of housing.
  • Black Power

    Black Power
    At the Summer Olympics in 1968, African American members of the U.S. track team Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the Black Power salute as they recieved their medals.
  • Andrew Young in Congress

    Andrew Young in Congress
    Andrew Young become the first African American in Congress since the Reconstruction of the Union after the Civil War.