
1954-1975 Timeline Apush

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    1954-1975 Timeline APUSH

  • Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eiemhower was the 34th president of the United States. He was in office from 1953-1961. He had been a war hero and his vice president was Richard Nixon. Eisenhower expanded social security and decreased government spending by decreasing military spending. He was popular because of his grandfather-like qualities. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/dwightdeisenhower
  • Benefits for the People-Eisenhower

    Benefits for the People-Eisenhower
    Eisenhower believed that the government should benefit the people in many different ways. During his presidency, he signed legislation that expanded Social Security, increased the minimum wage, and also created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Another thing he supported was the government construction of low-income housing. http://millercenter.org/president/eisenhower/essays/biography/4
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The NAACP had been fighting to desegregate schools in the United States and had tooken this issue to court. The high court had finally declared that "seperate but equal" was not to be allowed anymore; therefore, all schools had to be desegregated. By the school year of 1956, 723 southern school disctrics had been desegregated. This had been a clear victory for the NAACP. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_era/school_desegregation_movement.html
  • Interstate Highway- Eisenhower

    Interstate Highway- Eisenhower
    One of President Eisenhower's most important domestic affairs was his plan of an interstate highway. This project created a 41,000-mile road system. It was a huge success, as it stimulated the economy and made driving long distance safer and quicker. http://millercenter.org/president/eisenhower/essays/biography/4
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks was sitting in the black section of a bus and refused to give up her seat to a white man. Because of her refusal, Rosa Parks was arrested. On December 5th, over 95% of African Americans boycotted by refusing to ride the buses and holding a nonviolent protest at Montgomery's Holy Street Baptist Church. in 1956, the supreme court finally ruled in favor of the boycott.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The NAACP had registered nine african american students to attend a previously all white Little Rock Central High in Arkansas. The students were not allowed into the school because of the color of their skin. But once president eisenhower heard of this, he had them escorted into the school with some members of the U.S. military. http://life.time.com/history/little-rock-nine-1957-photos/
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    JFK served in office from 1961-1963. His vice president was Lydon B. Johnson. He was widely popular, as his good looks and charisma helped him out. He was set on keeping the United States unified and out of war, but ready in case of a war.He seemed to be helping a lot with African American Civil Rights, but he was assassinated so he could no longer continue his work. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy
  • New Frontier-JFK

    New Frontier-JFK
    The economy was not at its strongest point when JFK came into office. JFK expanded the House Rules Committee, but as medical and education bills remained stalled in congress, his program didn not expand very fast. But he kept the economy from inflating very much. His tax-cut bill stimulated the economy through price-cutting. http://www.course-notes.org/US_History/Notes/The_American_Pageant_13th_Edition_Textbook_Notes/Chapter_38_The_Stormy_Sixties
  • Student Protest

    Student Protest
    Students began nonviolent protests to try to gain equality. There were some white students that helped by sitting with the african americans o challenge the segregation code. These became known as "freedom rides". These freedom riders were from CORE and the SNCC and traveled from Washington DC to Atlanta & through many cities in the south. The Interstate Commerce Commission banned racial segregation on busses on Sep 22,1961. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_era/student_protest.html
  • The Birmingham Desegregation Campaign

    The Birmingham Desegregation Campaign
    On April 3, 1963 the campaign to desegregate Birmingham began with sit-in's.. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Ralph Albernathy were arrested & protesters were brutally beat. While in jail, Dr. King wrote a letter that is now famously known as the "Letter from Birmingham Jail." A children's march took place on May 2nd & dogs were let loose on these children. On May 10, 1963, the government agreed that hiring should be done on a nondiscrimanitory basis. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_er
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    President JFK had announced to congress he would be releasing a strong civil rights bill. but while Kennedy was announcing this to congress, a majoy protest was being planned. But instead of an angry march, it became more of a festive celebration to support Kennedy's civil rights bill. Speeches were given by activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King, in favor of the bill. But the march did not change the congress' view. All votes from congress stayed the same. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    Lyndon B. Johnson has been JFK's vice president.He became president after JFK was assassinated. One of his most memorable achievments while in office was his "Great Society" program. He helped African Americans advanc ein their quest for equality, and was greatly liberal by the end of his presidency. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/lyndonbjohnson
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    Malcom X took a much more aggressive approach to gaining equality. The "Black power" movement embodied his views. He did not mind using violence and recieved many death htreats because of his outspoken views. He established the Organization of Afro-American Unity in order to build a coalition of black groups to work together to fight for their rights. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_era/malcolm_x.html
  • Black Arts Movement

    Black Arts Movement
    The Black Power movement began to be expressed through art. Poets such Haki Madhubuti and Sekou Toure wrote about the past experiences of African Americans and used to it show the world how they would never go back to that. There were also artists and singers who expressed the pain that African Americans had gone through. This art helped show that they were not unintelligent and it demonstrated the horrors they had gone through.http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_era/black_arts_movement.
  • Conservative to Liberal_LBJ

    Conservative to Liberal_LBJ
    Lyndon B. Johnson went from a conservative to a liberal in 194 as he helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act banned all racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public. It also strengthened the federal governments power to end segregation in schools and other public places. Kennedy, David., et al. "The American Pageant". Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.
  • The Great Society LBJ

    The Great Society LBJ
    LBJ's domestic program was named "The Great Society." This program reflected New Deal inspirations. It created the Equal Opportunity Commission, which was created to eliminate discriminatory hiring. He also created the department of transportation.http://www,course-notes.org/US_History/Notes/The_American_Pageant_13th_Edition_Textbook_Notes/Chapter_38_The_Stormy_Sixties
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    Three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were engaged by the USS Maddox performing agnals intelligence patrol. This patrol was part of DESOTO operations. This all occured on the Gulf of Tonkin. This sea battle resulted in the passage of Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This gave Johnson the authority to assist any southeast asian country that seemed to be jeopardized by communism. http://911review.com/precedent/century/tonkin.html
  • The Selma March

    The Selma March
    Activists had shifted their attention towards voting rights. Martin Luther King and other leaders organized a march to gain media attention to the voting rights of African Americans.The march was to take place from Selma to the state capitol of Montogomery. The march began March 7 and was led by Hosea Williams, Alabama troops used vicious force to stop the marchers. But the march gained enough attention to make Congress pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rig
  • First US Major Offensive

    First US Major Offensive
    The first major US offensive action of the war occured on June 28 of 1965. It was taken by 3000 troops of the 173rd Airborne Division and 800 Australian troops. The troops had to to sweep Zone D which was North of Saigon. But the sweep failed to make any contact with the Viet Cong. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/us-forces-launch-first-offensive
  • US Force Increases

    US Force Increases
    On July 25th, President Johnson announced anincrease of US military forces in Vietnam. The forces went from 75,000 to 125,000. Johnson also announced that the monthly draft would be increased to 35,000. http://history1900s.about.com/od/vietnamwar/a/vietnamwar.htm
  • Operation Masher

    Operation Masher
    Operation Masher had 2,389 Viet Cong casualties reported. The name of the operation was changed from Operation Masher to White Wing due to the orders of the President. The operation combined US and Vietnamese troops in sweeps and assaults. Operation Masher continued until March 6 and was known as the largest search and destroy mission up to that point. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/operation-masherwhite-wingthang-phong-ii-launched
  • President Johnson Meeting

    President Johnson Meeting
    In 1966, President Johnson decided to meet with the South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and his military advisors. They met in Honolulu and met to discuss a plan to finally end the war. http://www.history-timelines.org.uk/events-timelines/06-vietnam-war-timeline.htm
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Viet Cong units broke the traditional Tet cease-fire on January 30, 1968,by launching major attacks against many cities in South Vietnam. US and ARVN forces successfully beat the Viet Cong assault for the next two months.Once the fighting had ended, the Viet Cong had been permanently crippled and could no longer fight. This was a redefining moment in the war, as it was an obvious win for the US and the ARVN. http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/vietnamwar/a/VietnamTet.htm
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Nixon had served as vice president under Eisenhower and had ran for president but lost to JFK in 1960. But Nixon ran for president again in 1968 and won. His main goal was to reconcile the nation, as it was divided because of the war overseas. He ended the draft during his presidency. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/richardnixon
  • Gradualism- Nixon

    Gradualism- Nixon
    Inflation was on the rise when Nixon came into office. So, Nixon adopted a policy of monetary restraint, gradualism, to cool down the economy. Gradualism was placed in hops of restricing the griwth of the money supply to rein in the economic boom that had occured. But gradualism did not have quick results, but Nixon was determined to not let the inflation cost him his office. http://millercenter.org/president/nixon/essays/biography/4
  • Landing on the Moon JFK

    Landing on the Moon JFK
    John F. Kennedy wanted to land Americans on the moon, Some Americans thought this goal to be ridiculous, but Kennedy did not pay attention, for he was determined to achieve this. It was a multibillion dollar project, but in 1969, his goal was achieved.
  • Nixon's New Economic Policy

    Nixon's New Economic Policy
    Nixon held a meeting with all of his economic adviers at Camp David in August 1971. Here they came up with a New Economic Policy. This NEP went against most of Nixon's long-held economic principles, but it was exxtrememly popu;lar and he knew it was what he had to do. it was a wage and price freeze, tax cuts, and a temporary clusre of the "gold window" which prevented other nations from demanding gold in exchange for american money. http://millercenter.org/president/nixon/essays/biography/4
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford became the 38th president in August 9th, 1974. He had to deal with the terrible economy, with inflation and unemployment through the roof. He was popular among the public due to his openness and integrity. He also tried to calm the controversies about Nixon. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/geraldford
  • Economy- Ford

    Economy- Ford
    The american economy was not doing well when Ford came into office. Both inflation and unemployment were on the rise. In October of 1974, Ford proposed a tax hike and asked for a reduction in federal spending. He rammed through with this economic program using the slogan "Whip Inflation Now." http://millercenter.org/president/ford/essays/biography/4
  • Ford's New Plan

    Ford's New Plan
    In January of 1975, Ford offered a new plan to deal with the nation's economy. He now called for a tax cut of $16 billion to jump-start the economy. Ford also asked Congress to cut down on government spending. In March, Congress passed a tax cut of more than $22 billion but raised spending on government programs. http://millercenter.org/president/ford/essays/biography/4