Duke cottonclub1927

20th century

  • beginning of the 20th century

    beginning of the 20th century
    The 20th century AD. C. (twentieth century after Christ) or twentieth century e. c. (twentieth century of the common era) is the century before the current one; It was the last century of the 2nd millennium in the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It is called the "century of avant-garde."
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    Pietro Clausetti

    Pietro Clausetti was only nineteen years old when he wrote The Shadow of the Woods of Asher. Born in Milan, he graduated in Composition and was called to the Alla Scala theater by Toscanini as a substitute teacher. After a brief career as a conductor, he finally dedicated himself to composition. The text of this song takes us to a biblical environment where the tribe of Asher lives, described in the Bible as one of the most fertile and blessed.
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    O sacrum convivium

    O sacrum convivium is the second Eucharistic motet we hear in this concert. The mixture of rabidly avant-garde elements with others from Hindu culture, synesthesia, birdsong and a deep Catholic faith create a unique and personal work, easily recognizable and enormously expressive. In this motet the author celebrates the moment in which Christ himself allows himself to be eaten by those who approach the altar.
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    Modernism is an early 20th-century movement in literature, visual arts, and music that emphasized experimentation, abstraction, and subjective experience. Philosophy, politics, and social issues were also aspects of the movement, which sought to change how “human beings in a society interact and live together”.
  • Charles Ives completed his Fourth Symphony.

    Charles Ives completed his Fourth Symphony.
    Around 1910, Ives began composing his most accomplished works, including the Holiday Symphony and Three Places in New England. The Piano Sonata No. 2, Concord, Mass (known as the Concord Sonata), was one of his most notable pieces. He started work on this in 1911 and completed most of it in 1915.
  • The British Broadcasting Corporation was established.

    The British Broadcasting Corporation was established.
    The British Broadcasting Company, as the BBC was originally called, was formed on 18 October 1922 by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including Marconi. Daily broadcasting by the BBC began in Marconi's London studio, 2LO, in the Strand, on November 14, 1922.
  • The debut of electric guitars.

    The debut of electric guitars.
    It was around 1936 when a jazz guitarist named Charlie Christian (1916-1942) began using an acoustic guitar with a pickup attached to the body, with the intention of playing guitar solos in his band. This is said to be the birth of the electric guitar.
  • Grammy Awards was sponsored

    Grammy Awards was sponsored
    Grammy Awards was sponsored by The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences with Frank Sinatra winning Best Album for "Come Dance with Me." In London, the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields was founded by Neville Marriner. Also, Berry Gordy, Jr. founded the Motown Recording Corporation.
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    Karlheinz Stockhausen

    At least two authors have gone even further by asserting that one of the avant-garde composers against whom the New Simplicity had most ostensibly rebelled, Karlheinz Stockhausen, would have anticipated their positions with the radical simplification of his style that occurred between 1966 and 1974.
  • end of 20th century

    end of 20th century
    The 20th century AD. C. (twentieth century after Christ) or twentieth century e. c. (twentieth century of the common era) is the century before the current one; It was the last century of the 2nd millennium in the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It is called the "century of avant-garde."