Abraham Lincoln Timeline

  • Born

    Born in Hodgenville, KY by parents Thomas and Nancy Lincoln
  • When his mother passed away

    His mother passed away when he was nine, and his stepmother was the one who infuenced Abraham to read as much as he did
  • When his family moved to another home

    When his parents decided that it would be best if they moved because they had Abraham.
  • When he was captain in the Black Hawk War.

    This is when he was captain in the Black Hawk War and represented U.S.A against the Indians
  • Day he was married

    Day he was married
    Day he was married to a lady named Mary Todd
  • Day he was elected democratic senator

    He was elected the democratic party to all of the joy of the democrats.
  • The day he was elected

    The day he was elected
    He was elected on this day in history
  • When he gave the Emancipation Proclimation

    When he gave the Emancipation Proclimation
    This is the day he pretty much ended slavery
  • The day he officially ended slavery

    This is the day where most slaves were free because of Lincoln
  • The day he said the Gettysburgh Address

    The day he said the Gettysburgh Address
    This was the day when he said the famous Gettysburgh Address
  • Day he was assassinated

    Day he was assassinated
    Day he was assassinated at Ford Theatre
  • The day he was buried

    The day he was buried
    This was the day when hundreds of thousands of people attended Abraham's funeral at Oak Ridge Cemetary
  • Day that the person that assassinated Abraham was killed

    This was an ironic date when the person who killed Abraham Lincoln