Acts Passed by Parliament

  • Proclamation of 1763

    This act kept the colonists from settling more West towards the Appalachians and kept settlers off the Native American land.
  • Sugar Act

    These were the restrictions and taxes put on sugar to stop the smuggling of it across different harbors.
  • Stamp Act

    This was an act passed by Parliament that taxed all the colonists' paper goods.
  • Quartering Act

    This act forced the colonists to house British soldiers and feed them in times of war.
  • Declaratory Act

    This is following the Stamp Act, it was a declaration by the British Parliament that stated that the taxation laws were the same in America as they were in Great Britain.
  • Townshend Acts

    These were new laws and taxes placed on glass wares and all new products, harshening the tax laws as well.
  • Tea Act

    This act gave rights to the East India Company to sell tea to the colonies to avoid any other tea imports.
  • The Quartering Act pt 2

    Parliament passed this act whenever the first one fired up too many protests. This one allowed for the governor to find other housing for soldiers if citizens weren't able to provide it. The colonists were still really made but not as upset.
  • Boston Port Act

    This was the punishment to the colonists after they dumnped the tea into the Harbor. Parliament had closed all the trading ports until the colonists had paid for all the tea they had destroyed. The colonists disagreed with the act, as it punished all of Boston instead of the perpitrators.
  • The Massachusetts Government Act

    This act was made to change the government of Massachusetts so that is had more British control. The colonists hated this and were afraid that Parliament could control even more aspects of their lives.