Albert Einstein

  • When Albert Einstein was born

    When Albert Einstein was born
    It was born in Ulm [Germany]
  • He´s move to munich

    He´s move to munich
    In the summer of 1880, when Albert was just over a year old, his family moved to Munich
  • A very capable rebel

    A very capable rebel
    Despite his obvious ability for science and mathematics, Albert had a tendency to rebel against the educational system of his native Germany, based on memorizing and not reasoning.
  • Adult life begins with chaos

    Adult life begins with chaos
    He manages to enter a technical university in Zurich, after failing once the entrance examination.
  • Office work, space for thoughts

    Office work, space for thoughts
    After two unsuccessful years trying to get a job as a teacher, a friend helps him get a job at a patent office in Bern.
  • Miraculous ideas come from the "nothing"

    Miraculous ideas come from the "nothing"
    Between March and June he produced four revolutionary contributions to science.
    Among them stands out the electrodynamics of the bodies in movements, which would later be known as the Special Theory of Relativity.
  • The young genius becomes a teacher

    The young genius becomes a teacher
    It was not until 1909 that he was finally offered a position as a professor at the University of Zurich.
  • Transforming physics in your head

    Transforming physics in your head
    Einstein announces his theory of relativity, the final product of eight years obsessed with gravity.
  • A global icon

    A global icon
    In a solar eclipse recorded in 1919 the British scientist Arthur Eddington proved Einstein's theory and turned it into a world icon.
  • The Nobel Prize

    The Nobel Prize
    Einstein receives the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the photoelectric effect.
  • The battle with quantum physics

    The battle with quantum physics
    In October 1927 the Solvay conference was held, where Einstein began his fight against quantum physicists.
    For this year, quantum physics was an unstoppable force, giving meaning to subatomic behaviors in a way that the theory of relativity could not.
  • The move to Princeton

    The move to Princeton
    Pushed by the rise of Hitler in power, Albert left Germany and accepted a position at the University of Princeton, United States, at the Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • Promote atomic weapons

    Promote atomic weapons
    In 1939 Einstein wrote to the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, about the urgent need to develop atomic weapons.
    Albert Einstein felt that physicists had a duty to contribute intensively to the fight against fascism. However, he would end up regretting his participation in the development of the atomic bomb.
  • A discreet final

    A discreet final
    Einstein died at the age of 76, as a result of an internal hemorrhage that he refused to treat medically.
  • The summary of the life of Albert Einstein

    The summary of the life of Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein was a German physicist of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (he was born on March 14, 1879 and died on April 18, 1955) known mainly for the development of the theory of relativity (special and general) and the theoretical explanation of the Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect.
    Also it was a very good person in his life