
All About Me

  • when i was born

    when i was born
    i was born in a hosipital in in hawaii, kauai town of lihue at 2:18 am
  • fist surfing leason

    fist surfing leason
    the fist time in 9 years when i went back to my home town to visit my mom and she taught me how to surf
  • blue hole

    blue hole
    me and my family went off roading to find a place called blue hole with frezzing water
  • water fall

    water fall
    we hiked down a really steep montain to get to this beautiful waterfall
  • when i became pro at surfing

    when i became pro at surfing
    i now can ride a 5'6 shortboard and can do pretty dang good
  • last day on kauai):

    last day on kauai):
    this was the last night i got to spend with my mom before i had to leave back to az),:
  • The day i became a wildcat

    The day i became a wildcat
    the first day i became a wildcat i was very nervous but when i got there i was like "this is easier than i thought"
  • camping at the beach

    camping at the beach
    i went csmping at a beach with moms side of the family
  • homecoming

    i went to my first homecoming with all of my friends
  • softball season

    softball season
    i made mesquite highschool freshman softball team