American Colonial Taxation Timeline

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was imposed in 1764. It taxed all sugar and molasses. The colonists were immediately mad because they didn't want "Taxation without Representation!", which means they didn't want to be taxed without having representation in Parliament.
    The colonists wanted it repealed. The British had it enforced for about a year and thought the colonists were spoiled. Due to the colonists reaction they repealed the act.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    This act forbade the colonists from printing paper money instead of using British sterlings. The colonists were upset because it made it harder to pay the British taxes that they didn't want to pay in the first place. The British wanted money that had a known value that they could use.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was imposed by Parliament in 1765. It taxed all legal documents, if the legal documents were to be used in a court of law they had to have a special stamp on them. The colonists were angered by this and once again did not was taxation without representation. The colonists were so mad about the act that they almost forgot about the Sugar Act. The British thought they should help pay for the army that protected them.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act made colonist provide food and a place to stay for the British soldiers in the colonies. The colonists became very mad and did not the soldiers needed to even be in the colonies because the French and Indian War was over. They saw them as a British way of keeping an eye on them. The British didn't repeal until when the Townshend Act was repealed in 1770
  • Period: to

    Townshend Act

    The townshend act enabled four things. Suspended New York legislature until it complied with the Quartering Act. It imposed import duties on many goods. It allowed to be imported free of taxes. Lastly it placed colonial headquarters in Boston. The colonists were mad and saw it as a restriction on their self government. Due to a massacre the British Parliament lifted the act on everything except tea.