Ancient Egypt

  • 332

    alexander the grate

    alexander the grate
    332Bc Alexander the Great conquers Egypt. Alexander the Great occupies Egypt and his general, Ptolemy, becomes king and founds a dynasty. Greek culture was spread throughout Egypt during this dynasty. The city of Alexandria was founded and became famous for the Great Library and the great Lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    New kingdom

    New kingdom
    1539 -1075 Bc The 18th-20th Egyptian Dynasties New Kingdom and the building of the tombs of the Valley of Kings. The great Pharoahs included Hatshepsut (the famous female Pharoah), Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Tuthmosis and Ramesses II.
    King Akhenaten established a new religious order worshipping the sun god Aten.
    Ramesses XI was the last of the rulers of the New Kingdom.
  • chariots

    1630 -1520 BC The 15th-17th Egyptian Dynasties the 2nd Intermediate Period Hyksos raiders from Asia and moved into the Delta they introduced the Egyptians to the chariot Ahmose eventually expelled the Hyksos from Egypt
  • middle kingdodm

    middle kingdodm
    1975-1640BC the 11th-14th Eygption Dynasties the middle kingdom a ments its most valuable pharor who overthrew mentuoptep
  • dynasies

    2125-1975 BC: The 9th-11th Egyptian Dynasties the 1st Intermediate Period. During this time Egypt saw a breakdown of central government
  • Varios Kings

    Varios Kings
    2200Bc varios kings rule Eygpt because the goverment in eygpt colapsed and many people foufht for power
  • the first pirimid

    the first pirimid
    2950Bc the first Eygptian pirimid was built it did not have smooth sides
  • ustableshment

    3100Bc king narmar unifies upper and lower eygpt
  • Nile rieir settlement

    Nile rieir settlement
    7000Bc people began to settle in the nile vally they farmed kept animals and bilt permenet homes