Ancient Egyptian History

By i.a.n
  • 130

    Cleopatra VII died

    Cleopatra VII died
    (30 B.C.) Cleopatra VII commited suicide. She died at the age of 39.
  • 196

    Rosetta Stone was carved

    Rosetta Stone was carved
    (196 B.C.) The Rosetta Stone was carved by the Egyptians. The stone had 3 languages carved into it, all saying the same thing.
  • 300

    Last use of hieroglyphic writing

    Last use of hieroglyphic writing
    (300 A.D.) People stopped using hieroglyphics as their writing system. Now people in Egpyt use the Arabic alphabet for their writing system.
  • 525

    Persians conquered Egypt

    Persians conquered Egypt
    (525 B.C.) The Persians invaded Egypt and started a war. They fought off the Libyans to conquer Egypt.
  • Jan 1, 642

    Egypt was conquered by the Arabs

    Egypt was conquered by the Arabs
    (642 A.D.) Egpyt was conquered by the Arabs. In 646, they turned Egypt into a colony.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt and the discovery of the Rosetta stone

    Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt and the discovery of the Rosetta stone
    (1798 and 1799 A.D.) Napoleon invades Egypt with his troops. A year later they find a rock buried in the sand and it was the Rosetta Stone.
  • Mentuhotep II gained control of the entire country

     Mentuhotep II gained control of the entire country
    (2055 B.C.) Mentuhotep II gained the control of the entire country of Egypt. It was split apart before he gained control.
  • Great Pyramids of Giza were built

    Great Pyramids of Giza were built
    (2600 B.C.) The Egyptians built the Great Pyramids of Giza to bury their pharaohs. The Great Pyramid weighs 6.5 million tons.
  • The first stone pyramid was built

    The first stone pyramid was built
    (2700 B.C.) The Egyptians built the first stone pyramid. The slaves made the pyraid.
  • People start to settle into the Nile Valley

    People start to settle into the Nile Valley
    (3500 B.C.) People in ancient Egypt found the Nile Valley. They started building in the valley.