
Ancient India

  • 2700 BCE

    Advanced sewer system is designed in Mohenjodaro

    Advanced sewer system is designed in Mohenjodaro
    A great achievement of complex drains, pipes, wells, and bathrooms that carried waste away from houses. 2,000 years would pass before the world would see another system like it in ancient Rome.
    2700-1900 BCE
  • 1500 BCE

    The Vedas

    The Vedas
    The Vedas, oral teachings that outline the basic beliefs of Hinduism are composed. 1500-900 BCE
  • 563 BCE

    Life of Prince Siddhartha

    Life of Prince Siddhartha
    Prince Siddhartha leaves his palace to discover 3 kinds of sufferings and becomes the founder of Buddhism. 563-483BCE
  • 500 BCE


    Sanskrit language is first written down.
  • 320 BCE

    Gupta Empire

    Gupta Empire
    The Golden Age of ancient India. Huge achievements in a number of areas. The Gupta's encouraged learning, writing, painting, sculpture, and metalwork. Mathematicians made important advances, and Engineers designed and built a vast system of roads. 320-550 BCE
  • 269 BCE

    Mauryan Empire

    Mauryan Empire
    Ashoka rules Mauryan Empire using edicts to promote four main goals. 269-232 BCE