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  • 1500

    The Ghettos

    The Ghettos
    The ghettos were being built for the Jewish people to separate them from the Christian citizens.
  • The Ghettos Walls Destroyed

    The Ghettos Walls Destroyed
    This was the tearing down of the ghettos and the ghetto walls that separated the Jewish people from everyone else
  • The Word "Jew"

    This word was used to describe anyone remotely related to people of the Jewish race.
  • The Depression

    This was the beginning of the American Great Depression, which was a huge dip in the economy.
  • Holocaust

    This was the beginning of the Holocaust, led by Adolf Hitler.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Tis was the beginning of Adolf Hitler's reign over Germany
  • Antisemitism Laws

    These laws were passed in 1935 by Adolf Hitler that stripped the Jews of citizenship.
  • Death Camps

    By this year, over 8 million Jewish people were killed in the death camps or on their way to death camps.
  • The End of the Holocaust

    The End of the Holocaust
    This was the end of Adolf Hitler's reign of terrany over the Jewish people.