
Nuremberg Trails

  • Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
    This was the start of the Nazi regime
  • Period: to

    Pre WW2 and Hitlers rule in Germany

  • The first concentration camp opens at Dachau

    The first concentration camp opens at Dachau
    This camp originally was used for political opponents of the Nazi regime
  • Nation wide boycott, of jewish businesses in Germany

    Nation wide boycott, of jewish businesses in Germany
  • All 'non aryan' government employees are fired

    This included jewish civil servants, i.e Teachers and lecturers
    This was one of the first steps that led to the mis-treatment of jews
  • The public rallies across Germany and burns books

    The public rallies across Germany and burns books
    Books written by Jews as well as political opponents to the Nazi's are burnt. As well as many other books are set alight.
  • Laws passed in Germany to allow the forced sterilization of certain groups

    The groups included where the Mentally ill, pshyically ill, Gypsies, African-Germans,as well as anybody else deemed to be unfit or inferior.
  • Several Homosexuals are arrested

    In the first major wave, this continued into November
  • Citizen and racial laws are announced

    This was the start of the Nuremberg laws, they where announced at an Nazi rally in Nuremberg
  • German Gypsies are arrested and deported

    The where sent to Dachau concentration camp
  • The 1936 olympic games begin in Germany

    The 1936 olympic games begin in Germany
    All public signs of Anti Jewish nature are removed until the games end.
  • Anschluss

    Germany annexes Austria
  • Evian Conference

    This took place in Evian, France. Representatives of 32 different countries meet to discuss refugee policy, mainly concering what to do with Jewish refugees, most conturies refuse to let in any more Jewish refugees
  • Kristallnacht, the night of the broken glass

    Kristallnacht, the night of the broken glass
    Nazi's burn synagouge, raid Jewish homes and businesses, 30000 jewish men are deported to concentration camps.
  • Jewish Children are expelled from German public schools

    Jewish only schools are set up for the Jewish children
  • Start of WW2

    Start of WW2
    Germany invades poland.
  • Period: to


  • Hitler gives power to Doctors to kill Mentally and Phsyically disabled people

    In the Euthansia program
  • Warsaw Ghetto is created

    Warsaw Ghetto is created
  • Gypsyu and African-German people are expelled from German Public schools.

  • The Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) begin mass murder

    Jews, Gypsies and Communist leaders are the main figures murdered, when the German army invades the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet and polish prisoners are killed in a test of the gas chambers in Auschwitz

  • Over 30000 Jews are murdered by the Mobile Killing squads

    In 2 days, in towns in Ukraine
  • German and Austrian Jews are deported to ghettos in Eastern Europe

  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbour

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbour
  • Gassing operations begin at the Chelmno Extrermination camp

  • Germany Declares war on USA

  • Nazi Extermination are put into use

    Auschwitz, treblinka, sobibor, belzec and Majdanek camps all begin the mass murder of the Jewish in gas Chambers
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    15 Nazi leaders meet to discuss the final soloution of the Jews
  • Warwas ghetto Uprising

    Warwas ghetto Uprising
    Jews in the warsaw Ghetto fight with arms as the germans attempt to send them to Extermination camps.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
  • Over 430,000 Hungarian Jews are deported to Auschwitz

    Most of them where gassed.
  • D-Day

    Allied powers invade Western Europe
  • German officers fail in an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler

    German officers fail in an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler
  • Prisoners revolt at Auschwitz

    A crematorium is blown up
  • Nazi's Evacuate Aushwitz

    Prisoners being death marches towards germany
  • Soviet troops enter Auschwitz

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
  • Adolf Hitler's Death

    Adolf Hitler's Death
  • Germany Surenders

    Germany Surenders
  • End of WW2 in Europe

    End of WW2 in Europe
    Victory in Europe day.
  • Allies choose Nuremberg as venue

    Allies choose Nuremberg as venue
    Robert Jackson, the chief prosecuter from the U.S, for the trail visits Nuremberg's Palace of justice. Despite 9/10 of the city being destroyed by Allied bombs.
  • Postdam Conference

    Postdam Conference
  • The London agreement is signed

    This agreement allowed for the Nuremberg trails to be possible and enabled for the prosecution of ww2 war criminals.
  • Indictments are issued against the major figures facing war tribunal

  • The Nuremberg trials begin

    At 10 a.m. in Nuremberg Germany
  • Period: to

    The Nuremburg Trials for Nazi Leaders

    This time period was the trials for the main leaders of the Nazi regime, there was 7 subsiquent trials for other groups and men.
  • Defendants plea Not Guilty

  • The prosecution introduces a film of Nazi horrors

    There is a a mixed reaction from the defendants
  • The prosecution of the seven organisations begin

    The Nazi party leadership, the German High Command, the SS, the SA, the SD, the Reich Cabinet, and the Gestapo are prosectuted
  • Winston Churchill delivers his 'Iron Curtain' speech

    Winston Churchill delivers his 'Iron Curtain' speech
  • The soviet finishes there prosecution

  • Defence makes its case

  • Hermann Goering begins his testimony

    Hermann Goering begins his testimony
    2nd Highest ranking Nazi official.
    Sentanced to death, however comitted suicide the night before he was due to be hanged, he killed himseld with a cyanide pill.
    He was found guilty of Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace, War crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Joachim von Ribbentrop testifies

    Joachim von Ribbentrop testifies
    Sentanced to death.
    Found guilty for War Crimes, Crimes against humanity, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace and Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace.
  • Ernst Kaltenbrunner testifies

    Ernst Kaltenbrunner testifies
    Sentanced to death.
    Found Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Hans Frank testifies

    Hans Frank testifies
    Governer General of Occupied Poland from 1939-1945
    Sentenced to Death
    Found Guilty of War Crimes and crimes against humanity
  • Julius Streicher testifies

    Julius Streicher testifies
    Famous for a lot of Nazi propaganda and heavy anti-semitacism
    Sentanced to Death
    Found guilty of Crimes against humanity
  • Dr. Hjalmar Schact testifies

    Dr. Hjalmar Schact testifies
    President of the Reichbank and econmics minister pre-World War 2.
    Acquited of his charges of, Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace and Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace
  • Walther Funk testifies

    Walther Funk testifies
    Minister of economics and President of the Reichsbank from 1938-1945
    Sentenced to life imprisonment
    Found Guilty of Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace, War crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Karl Donitz testifies

    Karl Donitz testifies
    Leader of the Kriegsmarine.
    Sentanced to 10 years.
    Found Guilty of War Crimes and Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace
  • Erich Raeder testifies

    Erich Raeder testifies
    Chief of the Kriegsmarine from 1928 to 1943
    Sentanced to Life Imprisonment
    Found Guilty of War crimes, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace and Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace
  • Baldur von Schirach testifies

    Baldur von Schirach testifies
    Head of the Hitler Youth.
    Sentance 20 years
    Found Guilty of Crimes against humanity
  • Fritz Sauckel testifies

    Fritz Sauckel testifies
    A Leader of the Nazi slave labour program from 19201945
    Sentenced to Death
    Found Guilty of War Crimes and crimes against Humanity
  • Alfred Jodl testifes

    Alfred Jodl testifes
    Sentanced to death.
    Found guilty of Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace, War crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Arthur Seyss-Inquart testifies

    Arthur Seyss-Inquart testifies
    He was the German Commisioner of the occupied Netherlands from 1940-1945
    Sentanced to Death
    Found Guilty of Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace, War crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Franz von Papen testifies

    Franz von Papen testifies
    Vice chacellor and chancellor of germany in the early 1930's
    Found not guily of his charges, but later was classified as a war criminal by the German-De nazification court and as a result he was sentanced to 8 years hard labour. He appealled the decision and only served 2.
  • Albert Speer testifies

    Albert Speer testifies
    Sentanced to 20 years.
    Found guilty of War crimes and Crimes against humanity
  • Defendants Make Final Statements

  • The justices meet to discuss verdicts

  • The verdicts are announced

    The verdicts are announced
    The verdicts against the major war criminals are handed down by the International Military Tribunal.

    11 of the 21 defendants are sentenced to death.
  • Period: to

    Subsiquent Nuremberg trials

  • Goering Commits suicide

  • 10 of the war Criminals are hanged

  • The trials of 23 Nazi phsysicians begin

  • 20 Members of the Mobile Killing units trials begin

    14 of these men are sentenced to death
  • The trials of 16 Nazi doctors being

    7 are sentenced to death
  • Sentences for 10 convicted members of the Reich Ministry

  • The sentences of the final trial are anounced

    This concludes the 4 years of the Nuremberg trials.