
AS Media Studies

  • Period: to

    AS Media studies

    schedule for magazine project
  • Research/Case studies of real music magazines (planning)

    case studies should be submitted and uploaded
  • Preliminary task: LSC magazine (planning)

    the college magazine will be complete and reday to present and submit
  • Audience Feedback and Evaluation

    the evaluation needs to be submitted
  • Magazine newsstand task/distribution of magazines (planning)

  • Drafting and finalizing house styles, draft and layouts

  • Photography

    get taught how to use DSLR camera
  • Audience Research task

    evaluate the audiences feedback from the pitch from focus group or surey monkeys. make changes to your plans if needed going by the feedback and clearly signposting the changes made on blog. this will need to be blogged
  • photography

    all photography will need to be done by this time
  • Desk top publsihing and editing your music magazine (construction)

    show a rough draft of the three pages to the class and record thier feedback on your work in prgress on your blog
  • Desk top publishing and editing your music magazine

    front cover, dps page and contents will need to be done and finished and uploaded to your website/blog. use photoshop for front cover and indesign for dps page and contents page. take print screen and annotate them on your blog.
  • Production week/blog chacks/1-to-1's

    prepare for being assessed on
  • audience research - main task/music magazine (planning/evaluation)

    gather audience comments and feedback on your music magazine. this may be done in class. ask the audience to comment on specific strengths and weaknesses, and how the final magazine compares to your drafts and plans.
  • Planning the evaluation

    use digital technology creatively to present the evaluation. you will nedd to use at least three creative media thechnologies in your answers to the seven questions. these include: prezi,mindmeister,scribd,vlogs,editing software. but be creative - find your own. produce a proposal to show which technologies you will use to answer each question, and why. this should be presented and uploaded
  • Creating the Evaluation

    the evaluation answers need to be uploaded to your blog
  • Evaluation review week/final blog check/1-1's

    final part