Australian flag

Auatralian Federation

  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • Six British Colonies

    Laws made by British Parliment.
  • Australia First Cricket Team Touring England

    Australia First Cricket Team Touring England
    In 1868 the first Australian cricket team toured England and they ended up winning the tour.
  • Convention to Discuus Federation

    The first person to have the idea of Australia being its own federation was Sir Henry Parkes, the premier of New South Wales. He convinced the other colonies to come to the Australasian Federation Convention that included New Zeland representatives that was held in Melbourne.
  • Another Convention

    A second Convention was held in Sydney in 1891. Each colony sent seven representatives were they began work on the Australian constution.They looked at constitutions from Great Britan, United States, Canada and Switzeland.
  • Converence held for pro-federation group

    Converence held for pro-federation groups.-Redrafting constitution.
    - Allow Australia to vote on wheter they agree with the constitution.
  • National Australasian Convention

    National Australasian Convention met to review constitution. Queensland did not send representatives as they did not support federation.
  • Election for Constitution

    A referendum election was held so that the people in the colonies could vote on the constitution. Queensland and Western Australia did not take part, and in New South Wales it did not approve it.
  • Premires Revise Constitution

    Premires revise constitution to meet concerns of the three colonies.
  • Getting Permision To Be the Australain Comenwelth

    Australia sent people over to England to get permision to form the Commonelth of Australaia from the Queen and she agreed to it and while the people are in England, Western Australaia votes to join the Commenwelth.
  • First Day of Australia Being its own Counrty

    On the first of january 1901 Australia came its own counry and federation.Which means that we were in charge of everything (well most things) instead of England
  • Becoming our own country/ federation.

    On this date, all of Australaia were partying because they had become their own country/ federation which means they were in charge of the money, laws, communication everything.
  • Laws

    The day Australaia became it sown federation they were in charge of the laws. Well sort of. England could tel Australia that they cant have that law up until march 1986 when Queen Elizabeth the second sighned a document named Australia Act. That removed the powers of England changing Australias laws.
  • Celebrating

    When Australia heard the news about them becoming there own federation, they thought it was amazing. So they had to prepare for a giant celebration. They made floats, banners, painted the streets, school events, anything they could. When the 1st of the1st 1901 kicked off everyone were so happy, they couldnt believe it. We were our own federation. It was great news.
  • The Australian Army

    The Australian Army
    While The rest of Australia Partied there was more importete things to do like form an Army thats why we wanted to be our own federation.The members of other colonies Armies joined together to join the Australain Army.
  • Money

    Australia first money was in 1913-14 when they first Australian note was published. But it was the sort of the same as the old English currency.
  • Immigration Restriction

    The Australian immigration law passed over for their to be an white Australaia.Which ment NO black people.
  • The First Australian Prime Minister

    On the first of january Edmund Barton was appointed, not elected, Prime Minister at the federation ceromony on Janurary first 1901.
  • First Parliment House

    First Parliment House
    On this date the first parliment house of Australia was opened in Melbourne followed by the first metting held in Australian parliment.
  • Parliment house.

    Parliment house.
    The first day of the parliment house being used what a turn out it was.
  • The Australian Flag

    The Australian Flag
    on the third of september the Australian flag was choosen. The picture is the australian flag.
  • High Court

    High Court
    The first High Court of Australia is opened.
  • Federal Goverment Court

    The federal goverment makes an court for arguments between workers and employers which was called the Conciliation and Arbitriation Commission.
  • Communication by Telephone

    Melbourne and Sydney were the first capital cities to be linked by telephone but before that people had to call the reciver and asked to make a call and the operator will put a cord into the hole of the number that person wanted to call.
  • The Nations Capital

    The national capital site was chosen and the site was in N.S.W which means they were losing 2 360 square kilometers of land.
  • Forming the Australian Capital Territory

    An area of land in the middle of New South Wales was handed over to the Commenwelth to form the Australian Capital Territory.
  • Money Of Australia

    Money Of Australia
    The first Commonwelth Australian banknotes were printed. They dont look the same but are simaler.
  • World War 1

    World War 1 begins and these countries entered Austria and Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bristish Empire, Bulgaria, China, France and colonies, German Empire, Greece, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Montenergo, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, USA nad Australia. It was ended on the November 11 1918.
  • Voting for Goverment

    Voting has to now be done by everybody. You can not vote for federal elections. Earlier women couldnt vote but now you can. But you dont have to for state.