Australia today world tomorrow

Australia and the modern Wolrd

  • The first Australian Gold Rush

    The first Australian Gold Rush
    This was one of the most major events in Australian history, it brought hundreds of thousands of migrants from alla cross the world, it liberated working class men and forced the, to stand up for their beleifs and rights and it was a great point of where the Australian identity was discovered.
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    Australia and the Modern World

  • Australia becomes a Federation

    Australia becomes a Federation
    Australia becoming a Fedaration is obviously the turning point in Australia’s history. It is where we went from being just another one of Englands colonies, to our own country.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    This was the invasion of a major country by Japan, with a good global position for warfare made it very significant to the attempts at invading Australia and the advances Japan made in their war, building weapons, establishing a army base, ect.
  • Japan leaves the League of Nations

    Japan leaves the League of Nations
    Japan decides to leave the “League f nations." This was the pivetal point of when they started the war with the Pacific. It showed that they were no longer going to be involved in the military or political affairs of Europe or their wars ans instead lead their own war against Australia and the rest of the Pacific.
  • The attack on Pearl harbour

    The attack on Pearl harbour
    The attack on Pearl Habour is pretty much all of what forced America to declare war on japan. This started a series of other wars with us as Americas allies and many others like Britain and singapore. Without the attack on Pearl Habour, America wouldn’t have entered the war, wouldn’t have ended the war, and Australia could be a completely different place.
  • Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

    Nagasaki Atomic Bombing
    Because the ending of the war, done wrongly or not, was pretty much one of the only things that stopped Japan from further advancing into Australia and invading us too. Nagasaki was possibly the one thing that prevented Japan from taking over the world.
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    Dismantling of the White Australian Policy

    Australia’s great acceptance of anyone and everyone that it has today (although debatable) is a direct result of its policy being put in place and enforced. I believe Australia would be a very different country if we didn’t bring in all the immigrants we have and that these immigrants are a good reminder to the rest of the world that Australia is a generous, modern and respectful country.
  • Collaboration of the Snowy Mountains Scheme

    Collaboration of the Snowy Mountains Scheme
    This scheme is pretty much the only thing that keeps millions of people alive today throughout the dry season in the west of Australia. The water being diverted there is still used and will forever provided a good fllow of water to the people who need it.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The tension between the two super powers of the world (America and Russia) over who was making more misseles and where, would have inevatbly caused severe concequence for any other country allied with either one of them. The fear was that one of theCountries would decide that the pressure was to great and attack was the only option.
  • The 1967 Australian Referendum

    The 1967 Australian Referendum
    The Referendum of the aborigine people is one of the most signeficent events in Austraia’s History and closely effects the rights and lives in which Aborigine people are allowed and live today.
  • Finish of the Snowy Mountains Scheme

    Finish of the Snowy Mountains Scheme
    This is when the project was completed.