
bdaddy and Ndaddy

  • birth

    Edgar Allen Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, MA.
  • parents

    his parents seperated in 1810 when he was 1 year old.
  • death

    Poes mother Elizabeth died of Tuberculousis in 1811 when Poe was only 2 years old.
  • adoption

    Poe was adopted by John and Frances in 1811
  • foster mother dies

    foster mother dies
    poes foster mother dies of long illness
  • poes kicked of out college

    poe gets kicked out of westpoint
  • died

    poes foster fother dies and poe is letf with nothing
  • Love Life

    Poe married his cousin Virginia Clemm in 1835, and they were married for 12 years.
  • poe

    poe wins a writing contest. and from winning this edgar allen poe has finally found a job
  • writes a book

    Poe writes a book that is called Ligeia
  • moves

    poe has decides to move back to New York city but many people didint think good of him
  • First Love Dies

    his wife Virginia Clemm dies of tuberculosis on January 30, 1847
  • poes death

    poe dies