history week 1

  • Period: to

    age of the steamboat

    -american economic stability & influenced everyday life for over a century with transportation & trade
    -the steamboat made it easier for products & people to get to one place to another in a timely fashion
  • morse code

    -developed in 1844 by samuel morse
    -use of the telegraph was quickly accepted by people eager for a faster & easier way of sending & receiving information
  • homestead act

    -the purpose of this act was to have more settlements in the west
    -they offered free land (160 acres) for staying there for five years
    -people bought the land for $1.25 per acre
  • Period: to

    cattle drive era

    -from texas to the mid west in Nebraska
    -cattle drives were sent to chicago, they slaughtered them to make beef for chicago
  • transcontinental railroad

    -the entire nation was joined with 1,776 miles of track
    -countries were able to work together easier due to decreased travel time
    -the transcontinental railroad meant that the frontier could be extended with a greater movement of population
    -the railroads made a wider variety of goods possible for people to obtain. so sellers were able to find new markets & people who lived on the frontier were able to get goods that were previously unavailable
  • Period: to

    the knights of labor

    -the knights of labor began as a labor union
    -knights strongly supported the Chinese exclusion act of 1882
    -a lot of strikes struck out, more than 200,000 workers were on strike, a bomb exploded at a workers rally, including over thousand strikes including the great southwest railroad strike
  • john D. rockfeller

    he incorporated standard oil in 1870. He built his first oil refinery near Cleveland
    -by 1882 he controlled some of 90% of U.S refineries & pipelines, this was considered a monopoly
  • Period: to

    tammany hall & boss tweed

    -was organized by dishonest politicians, who had two main goals; take control of the city & get the groups own candidate elected
    -tammany hall offered help to the city's new Irish immigrants, in return for votes
  • bessemer steel process

    -the removal of impurities from iron
    -the bessemer process revolutionized steel production, decreasing cost
    -the process made steel 10x stronger than iron
    -RR went further, buildings grew higher due to low cost of steel
  • the exclusionary act

    -first law that restricted immigration into the U.S
    -the act provided an absolute 10 year ban on Chinese labor immigration
    -the act made Chinese immigrants permanent aliens by excluding them from U.S citizenship
  • haymarket square riot

    -a confrontation between police & labor protesters in Chicago
    -this has been associated with may day or international workers day
    -riot created wide spread hysteria against immigrants
    -riot had a lasting effect with the labor movement in the U.S
    -the riot was caused by protest of police brutality toward the people of labor unions
  • hull house

    -jane adams & ellen gates Starr founded hull house
    -initiated programs to address poor working conditions, & a host of other pressing problems
    -located in a large house in Chicago
    -turned their attention to national issues
    -help immigrants assimilate into America
    -passed due to public protest
    -right to vote(women)
  • homestead strike

    -unfair treatment & demands for employee
    -the strike was against Andrew carnegie & frick
    -pinkertion guards & the strikers fought & nine striker died & seven guards died
    -the sheriff asked the governor to send help, he sent 3,000 militia men
    -the union was broken up, the owners won
  • andrew carnegie

    -made Carnegie steel in 1892
    -took control of the steel industry
    -sold steel company to J.P morgan
    -wrote the gospel of wealth
  • pullman strike

    -factory wages at the company fell about 25% but the rents george pullman charged did not decrease
    -3,000 pullman workers went on a wildcat strike that is without authorization
    -june 29, 50,000 men quit their jobs
    -federal troops this enraged strikers, & rioters began stopping trains, smashing switches, & began setting fire to anything that would burn
    -pullman strike was important because it was the first time a federal injunction had ever been used to break up a strike
  • Period: to

    ellis island

    -ellis island arrived to NY in December
    -the eastern european & european the doctors were checking the immigrants for conditions such as physical disability, mental retardation & shortness of breath.If they had any of those conditions they would be deported back to their home country
  • Period: to

    angel island

    -held hundreds of thousands of immigrants,mainly from china & japan
    -arriving they had to go through medical exams where they were they tested for various diseases, they were assigned dormitory's where they were detained til interrogation process, expressing fear & frustration.
    -they had to be U.S citizens, & had to answer questions about their family history
    -those family's that didn't pass the questioning would be in jeopardy of deportation
  • Americanization day

    -first Americanization day was known as loyalty day
    -was launched in response to nearly two decades of increasing immigration
    -Americans had a sore spot because of the influx of immigrants from southern Europe
  • Period: to

    great migration

    -push factor, racial tension, violence, poverty, lynching of blacks led to not enough money or work to survive
    -pull factor, job opportunities, community for blacks, development of ethnic neighborhoods
    -they moved to NY & chiraq
  • new immigration

    -in 1924 congress passed a discriminatory immigration law that restricted the immigration
    -immigrants come to america for better living, jobs, religous freedom, america restricted immigrants if they were sick or not smart enough, new immigrants usually lived in Chicago,NY,Boston