Between wars

  • Federal reserve system

    Federal reserve system
    The central banking system of the united states.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    it has mandated nationwide prohibition on alcohol.
  • Jazz Music

    Jazz Music
    The jazz music was a huge hit during the Harlem renaissance. It began the great depression.
  • William Jennnings Bryan

    William Jennnings Bryan
    He was an American Orator. Being a politician from nebraska, he was also a dominent force in the democratic party.
  • Langston Hughes

    He was an African American poet. He was also a novelist and a writer.
  • TeaPot Dome Scandal

    TeaPot Dome Scandal
    It was a bribery incident to oil companies at low rate without competitive bidding.
  • tin pan alley

    tin pan alley
    was the name given to new york city music.
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    She was an influential american documantary photogrpher. Most importantly she was a photojournalist.
  • Henry Fords

    Henry Fords
    Ford made more cas, for less money, and to enforce plant dicipline, he used spies and thugs.
  • Marcus Garvey

    He was a jamaican politician leader.
  • Warren G. Hardings "return to normacy"

    Warren G. Hardings  "return to normacy"
    a way to return to world war 2.
  • Scopes monkey trial

    Scopes monkey trial
    known as the tennessee v.john. It was an American case in 1925. A highschool teacher was accused of violating the Butler act.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    The main hit was jazz music. The great depression started right after. It was a distraction to the people of the town.
  • Sock Market crash "black Tuesday"

    Sock Market crash "black Tuesday"
    The investors trade was going on. billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors.
  • Clearence Darrow

    Clearence Darrow
    He was an American lawyer. He was also a prominent advocate for georgist economic reform .
  • Charles Lindbergh

    he was the first to swim across the atlantic ocean in 1927.
  • 1st red scare (1920's)

    1st red scare (1920's)
    America may be famed for its Jazz Age and prohibition during the 1920’s, and for its economic strengthbefore the Wall Street Crash, but a darker side existed.
  • francis willard

    francis willard
    her influence was in the 19th amendment.
  • Social Darwism

    it's a name given to several theories. it also claim to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics.
  • the great migration

    the great migration
    6 million blacks moved from the rural southern areas.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Some of the causes were "great drops in farm prices" or "overextension of credit" this lead to many people without homes, and familys living in the streets. Foring camps with their cars.
  • Prohibition

    Most of the people in the town were against alcohol. it made men forget how to be responsible, and leave their children without food; maybe get home days later, leaving the family with no money. Women were the main ones that were agaainst everything having to do with alcohol.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    she was an American politician. She was also the longest first lady to be in the white house.
  • SEC

    This is the federal agency, responsible for the security industry and enforcing federal laws.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    tells who is president, is something happens to the original president. The government elected offices end.
  • The new Deal

    The new Deal
    The great depression was a nickname for the economic program. the three keys were relief, recovery, and reform.
  • Relief recovery reform

    Usually stands for the 3 r's. the first one is to take action immidiately to halt the economics deterioration. The second one is to temporary program to restart a flow of demand.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Frmers didn't take care of the soil in their fields, which caused drought and dirt storms. It was a major hit in the Great Plains.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    he was an American statesmen. He was also married to Eleanor Roosevelt. he run for president, but lost the election in the 1920's.
  • TVA

    the main point was to adress the most important issuees to energy. reforestation, and flooding occured many times in the 1930's.
  • SSA

    this agency focuses on administrating social securitys.
  • FCIC

    This is a ten member comissionappointed by the united states government. the goal is to investigate the causes of the financial crisis.