

  • 1.1 The Beginning

    Personally, I feel like becoming an adult has different phases of its own, whether they are socially, biologically or psychologically. When I left for college and returned I had already grown so much and gained a tremendous amount of independence and maturity. But I still feel like becoming a full-blown adult won't happen until I graduate college and step into the real world of paying my own bills making my own payments on everything, and living completing nondependent on my parents.
  • 2.3 My current healthy lifestyle

    My answer to the majority of the questions in the brief survey (which I don't believe was enough to label my lifestyle) was yes. But some aspects of my lifestyle that I could work on are activeness and sleep. Sleep or having a stable schedule and getting enough of it was not mentioned in this survey. My eating habits are pretty good considering the food supplied here at the Gallaudet food services. But there is always room for improvement. Another healthy practice would be staying hydrated.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    If I could develop an age-defying oxidant it would be a pill for humans to start taking daily after age 21. This pill would have the magical nutrients to prolong a persons lifespan without harming them in any way.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    If I could develop an all-around aging prevention solution, it would be when a person turns 21 they would step into a machine that would release tolemeres into the body. Tolemeres are responsible for DNA replication, thus extending the life span!
  • 2.4 Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    I'll be 50 years old in 2045! Yikes! Can't really picture myself at this age but based on the survey I think i'm headed a positive route as a relatively healthy individual. As for family history there are several different types of cancer that members of my family have passed from so genetics aren't exactly in my favor!