Important things that happened in MY life.

  • Started high school

    Started high school
    This day was an important day for me because I was starting higth school and I was a freshman.
  • Turn 15

    Turn 15
    This was an important day to me because I felt like I wasn't a little kid anymore.
  • First day of sophomore year

    First day of sophomore year
    This was important to me because I wasn't going to be known as a little freshie anymore and it was another step to graduating, not a close step, but a step.
  • Turned 16

    Turned 16
    This was an important day for me, not only was it my birthday, but it was another year closer to be 18.
  • Got my permit

    Got my permit
    This was a very important day to me because after all the studying I pased my permi
  • Got braces

    Got braces
    This was an important day to me because I was going to have nice straight teeth.
  • Started Primavera

    Started Primavera
    This was an important day because I was no longer attenging public school.
  • Turned 17

    Turned 17
    Since I had my permit my parents decided to buy me a car for my 17th.
  • Got my first car

    Got my first car
    For my 17th birthday my parent decided to buy me my own car.
  • Senior year

    Senior year
    I am offically on my last year of high school and soon to start my own life.
  • Turned 18

    Turned 18
    The day I was finally known as an adult. This was an important day for me because it showed me that I need to show that I am now an adult and need to look for a job and get things together.
  • Got my license

    Got my license
    This day was important to me becaue im 18 with my licesne and alrrady have my own car.
  • Got my braces off

    Got my braces off
    This was an imprtant day because I was finally getting my braces off and now had straight white teeth before.