BP oil

By Kiser
  • Oil Rig Explosion

    Oil Rig Explosion
    An explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, 52 miles south of Venice, Louisiana. It killed 11 workers.
  • Oil Rig Sinks

    Oil Rig Sinks
    After burning for 36 hours, the oil rig sank to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, and started spewing oil into the ocean.
  • Aftermath

    Officials reveal that 1,000 barrels of oil per day started leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Coast Guard Efforts

    Coast Guard Efforts
    The Coast Guard started burning patches of the oil spill to try to prevent it from reaching Lousiana's coastal wetland habitat.
  • Oil Reaches Louisiana

    Oil Reaches Louisiana
    Oil started to wash up onto the shores of Louisiana. Wetlands are filled with crude oil.
  • BP's Efforts

    BP's Efforts
    BP attempts to cover the leaking well with a giant metal box to contain the leak. This fails when ice forms inside the box. The estimated daily amount of oil spilled rises to 5,000 barrels a day.
  • Leaking Oil Grows Out Of Control

    Leaking Oil Grows Out Of Control
    Researchers watching the underwater leak video estimate 70,000 gallons of oil are spilling into the Gulf of Mexico per day.
  • Oil Tar Balls Reach Texas

    Oil Tar Balls Reach Texas
    The oil spill reaches Texas, affecting all 5 of the Gulf Coast states.
  • New Cap on Well

    New Cap on Well
    BP places a cap on the leaking well, which successfully stops the leak.
  • BP Oil Spill is Stopped

    BP Oil Spill is Stopped
    The well is sealed and is deemed "effectively dead". The oil spill is finally stopped.