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Business Budgeting

  • Calculate Start-Up Costs

    Calculate Start-Up Costs
    First, start calculate the necessary cost to start-up the imagined business.
  • Operation Costs

    Operation Costs
    Determine the cost to operate the business. This mostly will include utilities.
  • Estimate Profits

    Estimate Profits
    A business must estimate profits to limit their expenses in order to generate profits in the end.
  • Revenue Needed to Continue the Business

    Revenue Needed to Continue the Business
    This is a important category in a budget because it states the necessary revenue in order to keep the business running. If this goal is not met, the business may enter a decline.
  • Payroll Costs

    Payroll Costs
    Payroll may need to be considered if your business involves employees. They need to be paid and will quit if they go unpaid.
  • Time Range

    Time Range
    The time range of a budget is usually 1 year that can be further divided into quarters and months.
  • Expenses: Fixed or Variable

    Expenses: Fixed or Variable
    It is important to determine if expenses are fixed or variable. Fixed expenses are mostly the same every time and often out of the owner's control. Variable expenses can fluctuate and are more in the owner's control.
  • Refer to your Budget Often

    Refer to your Budget Often
    Referring to your budget can be beneficial when making decisions. It can provide informative information about your business financial goals.