causes of the civil war

  • slavery

    Slavery started by the Europeans. The captin's in Portuguese caught 12 African slaves to be their slaves. They caught them in Cabo Branco. Slavery started when they brought the slaves to North America.Slavery lasted for 246 years in the U.S.A. roughly 25% of the South had slaves. Slaver ended in Dec.6,1865. The last slave was freed on June 19,1865. The 1st slave was John Casor. The first person that owened a slave was Anthony Johnson. Witch means that John Casor was Anthony Johnson's slave.
  • Abolitionist John Brown

    It all started on May 9,1800 in Torrington,CT. 1 year after 1832 and she bore 13 children. From his 20 children 12 of them survived. on October 16,1859 John Brown took 18 men and went to Harpers Ferry. John Brown collected money for Kansas in new england in 1856. He bought a farm 5 miles north from Harpers Ferry. Brown went to jail when he was in Charles Town.
  • Harriet Tubman

    It all started on Dorchester county,MD. Harriet Tubman was and ordainary lady that built the Underground Railroad. She was famous for being one of the best conductures from the Underground Railroad. When she was born her real name was Araminta Rose she later on changed her name to Harriet after her mom. She walked 90 miles to become free. Her moms name was Harriet Greene and her dads name was Ben Ross. She had 8 siblings. After all that life it ended on March 10,1913.She was born enslaved.