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The Life of Frederick Douglass

  • Frederick Douglass is born

    In February 1818, Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, is born in Talbot County, Maryland. He was separated from his mother Harriet Bailey at infancy so that he is not to develop affection toward her. He did not know anything about his father, but did know that his grandparents were Isaac and Betsey Bailey. He was unfortunately born into the cruel life as a slave.
  • The Lloyd Plantation

    The Lloyd Plantation
    Douglass got his first impressions of slavery on the Lloyd plantation in his early childhood. Here he witnessed his own Aunt being viciously whipped. Slaves got one pair of clothes each year. Children, if they were lucky, got one shirt and if it was worn they would go naked until their next allowance.
  • Frederick Douglas begins to learns to read

    Frederick Douglas begins to learns to read
    Mrs. Sophia Auld teaches Douglass the alphabet and to spell a few words. When Mr. Auld found out, he warned Mrs. Auld not to, for teaching a slave to read is unlawful and unsafe. Douglass was saddened at the fact that he could not continue too learn from his mistress. He became determined to find a way to teach himself how to read.
  • Baltimore

    Douglass resides a short time in Baltimore. He discovers that a city-state slave has a much more comfortable life compared to a plantation slave. He learns that city-state slaves are much better fed and clothed. Although, he finds that there are exceptions such as the neighboring slave owners, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton who are very cruel to their slaves, Henrietta and Mary.
  • Douglass succeeds in learning to read

    Over the course of 7 years while living in Master Hugh's family, Douglass succeeded in learning to read and write. Douglass for a short time got instruction from his mistress. When she then ceased to teach him, Douglass ended up making friends with some neighborhood white boys who taught him. Douglass began to read and understand more about slavery and he began to detest his enslavers.
  • Advice

    Douglass goes down to the wharf one day and help some Irishmen unload a scow of stone. The Irishmen then learn that Douglass is a lifelong slave. They feel sorry for him and advise him to run away to the north so he could be free. Douglass pretends to disregard the advice but secretly had been devising a plan to hopefully one day find an opportunity to escape.
  • Covey

    For the first time, Douglass had served as a field hand to his new master, Mr. Covey. Douglass had only been at his home one week before Mr. Covey gave him a very severe whipping. Douglass struggled at his job and Covey would criticize him for it. The longest Douglass could go with out getting a whipping from Covey was merely a week.
  • Douglass resists

    During an encounter with Mr. Covey Douglass fights back and grabs Covey by the throat. Covey was stunned by Douglass's resistance. Douglass had earned a sort of respect from Covey because for the remaining six months that Douglass served as Covey's slave, Covey did not whip or do anything to hurt Douglass. This event gave Douglass a deep satisfaction and gave him a little bit of self-confidence.
  • Douglass's plan to escape

    Douglass develops a plan to escape. Douglass planned on taking a large canoe of Mr. Hamilton's and rowing it to Chesapeake Bay. He hoped that somehow he would surpass the Maryland limits. Douglass had thought by taking a water-route that they wouldn't be easy run-away suspects. But sadly, constables had foiled Douglass's plan.
  • Douglass goes to prison

    Douglass goes to prison
    Douglass's attempt to escape landed him in jail. The jail was a lot more comfortable to Douglass's surprise. What pained Douglass the most was the separation of him from his fellow slaves. Douglass had lost hope and thought he was going to die in prison but to his astonishment, Captain Auld then took Douglass out of prison a week later.
  • Douglass escapes

    Douglass finally succeeded in escaping slavery. Douglass sought employment but his master did not know of his intent to run away.Douglass felt sad that he would leave all of his friends behind, but he was determined to escape once and for all. He managed to escape to New York very successfully.
  • Douglass the abolitionist

    Douglass the abolitionist
    Douglass became an abolitionist and attended anti-slavery conventions. He spoke in colored people meetings and inspired many to stand up to slavery.
  • Douglass publishes his first book

    Douglass publishes his first book in 1845 about his life as a slave. He wrote about all of the hardships he hd endured. His story has inspired many and it still inspires many today.