Chapter 1&2 Test

  • 3000 BCE


    Cuniform was a wedge shape form of writing that finally allowed for complex ideas to be written down and explained. This form of writing also led to future forms of writing. Cuniform let people keep records of events and everyday activities.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mathematics and Astronomy

    Mathematics and Astronomy
    The Sumerians created a number system of 60 that allowed for multiplication, subtraction, and forms of geometry. They also applied their system to the stars to create a calendar year. That all helped form today's mathematics and our current calendar.
  • 2540 BCE

    The Construction of the Great Pyramids

    The Construction of the Great Pyramids
    The Great Pyramids took over 20 years to build with around 100,000 Egyptians helping along the way. This construction allowed Ejyp to show just how powerful they were. It was also a place where kings were buried. This was to show other nations just how powerful Egypt was.
  • 1792 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabi was a leader that applied the eye for an eye analogy into his own laws. Those laws were set in place for his people to follow. It was one of the first times where a law was applied over a dynasty.
  • 1070 BCE

    The End of the Egyptian Empire

    The End of the Egyptian Empire
    In 1070 BC the Egyptian empire had finally ended after around 2030 years of existence. This is a big deal because generally speaking the Egyptians were once very powerful and something to be feared, but instead they were now being conquered and ruled by surrounding nations. Those nations now had a shot at gaining that power Egypt held.
  • 970 BCE

    King Solomon

    King Solomon
    King Solomon's reign had a great impact on the Hebrews and their religion. While in power he not only strengthened and grew Israel, but he also built the Temple in Jerusalem to hold the Ark of the Covenant and be a center of their religion which is even remembered today through the Old Testament. While he was king, Israel was at its height in power as well.
  • 800 BCE

    Phoenician Alphabet

    Phoenician Alphabet
    The Phoenician Alphabet, although not used today, is an instrumental part of what created our current alphabet. This alphabet was eventually used by the Greeks and then the Romans which leads directly to the currently used alphabet that we all know and love.
  • 800 BCE

    International Trading

    International Trading
    The Phoenicians in around 800 BC were the largest international traders of goods that were around at that time. This framework set away for future trade based civilizations to grow off of.
  • 559 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great
    Cyrus the Great was the main person that helped the Persian Empire to grow so large. While in power he took over surrounding areas and allowed for those he conquered to keep their ways of life. This was a model that was used by other kings that proceeded him.
  • 539 BCE

    Fall of Babylon

    Fall of Babylon
    Babylon was another great place where powerful people once ruled. Less than 100 years before Cyrus took Babylon it was a magnificent city for the Chaldeans and even held one of the seven current ancient wonders of the world. The fall of Babylon yet again proved the Persian Empires' power.