Chris Garrett Special Education Timeline

  • Armstrong v Kline 1979

    Armstrong v Kline 1979
    Case ordered schools to provided extended school year services for students with disabilities who may regress over long periods w/out attending formal school programs.This ruling supported students with special needs by extending the school year.
  • Board of Education of the Hudson School District v Rowley 1982

    This case upheld that children with a disability has the right to an individualized program and supportive services deemed appropriate and necessary ( each student individual program) . This ruling supported students with disabilities by allowing them the opportunity to achieve his or her potential at a level such as specialist.
  • Department of Education vs Katherine D. 1984

    The case ruled and supported students with disabilities by ruling home bound instruction for a student with multiple health problems did not comply with the (LRE) Least Restrictive Environment and required the student be placed in a class with non-disabled children and receive the necessary related medical services.