Civil Rights Timeline

By B.M.2
  • Brown V. Board

    This was a landmark of the Supereme National Court of Justice. It was declared that the black schools and white schools were able to be one school.
  • BIrth of the The Freedom Riders

    Civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated Southern U.S. in 1961 and following years to challenge the non- enforcement of the U.S.S.C.'s decision Irene Morgan v. Common wealth of Virginia.
  • Integration of Ole Miss

    The Ole Miss riot of 1962, or Battle of Oxford, was fought between Southern segregationist civilians and federal and state forces beginning the night of September 30, 1962; segregationists were protesting the enrollment of James Meredith, a black US military veteran, at the University of Mississippi (known affectionately as Ole Miss) at Oxford, Mississippi.
  • Integration of Ole Miss (University of Mississippi

    It was a riot over the Intergrational of Ole Miss
  • The importance of Ole Miss

    The importance of Ole Miss
    It was important because the protester were fighting for the freedom of James Meredith's aplication of going to Ole Miss.
  • James Meredith's role in this

    He didn't have a role in this he just wanted to end segregation by applying to Ole Miss he was also on his way of his race against fear.