
Coming of Age Story- All the Light We Cannot See

By kgvj
  • Childhood Before the War

    Werner lives a simple life at an orphanage with his sister, Jutta in the outskirts of Zollverein, Germany. He spends most of his days walking around the coal mines with his sister and rummaging through trash heaps in search of something interesting to take home and show Frau Elena, the headmistress of the orphanage. He has a hopeful heart for the future and a naive outlook on life.
  • Childhood Before the War

    Childhood Before the War
    Werner discovers a broken radio in a trash can. He is skilled in the art of science and mechanics and after a bit of a struggle, he manages to get to radio to work again. He and his sister spend hours a day tuning the radio to their favorite channels. Werner especially enjoys listening to a French scientist’s broadcast and listens to it as many times a week as he can.
  • In the Beginning of the War

    Werner begins to attract customers to repair and better their radios. Werner dreams of being a scientist, however, he is told he must join the coal mines in a year as he will be 15. His only option of escape from this dangerous job is presented when he gathers the attention of a Nazi official when he fixes his radio. The official offers Werner a place at a Nazi school in Schulpforta, Germany.
  • In the Beginnings of the War

    During Werner’s early years at the the school, he witnesses his only friend, Frederick, constantly be singled out for punishment. After suffering many dangerous blows over the course of his time, Frederick is sent home. His brain is permanently damaged by the attacks and his punishments are forever embedded in Werner’s memory. Werner begins to resent the school and everything it stands for. However, he continues to excel and be recognized for his natural talent within the robotics field.
  • In the Beginning of the War

    In the Beginning of the War
    The school Werner is sent to is supposedly centered around engineering, however that is not the case. Although some classes do include engineering, most of the students' time is used for training. Werner excels in the engineering courses and catches the eye of his instructor.
  • In the Beginnings of the War

    During Werner’s early years at the the school, he witnesses his only friend, Frederick, constantly be singled out for punishment. After suffering many dangerous blows over the course of his time, Frederick is sent home. His brain is permanently damaged by the attacks and his punishments are forever embedded in Werner’s memory. Werner begins to resent the school and everything it stands for. However, he continues to excel and be recognized for his natural talent within the robotics field.
  • Joining the War Effort

    Joining the War Effort
    At age 16, Werner is sent into the military and is recruited to a special team that tracks down anti-German radio broadcasts. When he joins, he is not aware that they are supposed to kill the broadcasters and is horrified when he witnesses his first slaughtering.The team is ordered to locate the origin of an illegal broadcast in Saint-Malo, France.
  • Joining the War Effort

    Werner and his team travel to the area where the broadcast is predicted to be, and Werner begins to search the airways for a hint of a broadcast. He is shocked to find the fascinating French scientist’s voice broadcasting the anti-german messages. However, he decides he will not turn the man in.
  • The Discovery

    Werner tunes in every day at the specific time that the broadcast airs and finally decides to calculate where it could be located. After completing his calculations, he makes it his mission to meet the frenchman. He executes a plan to meet the frenchman, however, he encounters a young, pretty, blind girl living in the residence associated with the broadcast. Werner is both instantly intrigued and confused by the matter. Werner finds he begins to fall in love with the mystery girl.
  • The Bombing of Saint-Malo

    The Bombing of Saint-Malo
    The frenchman’s broadcast has been taken over by the girl Werner saw and she seems to be sending out a distress broadcast. Werner decides that if he makes it out alive, then he will try to save her as well. After what seems like an eternity, the sirens, planes, and bombs ceased and they decide to use a spare hand grenade they found in the rubble as a last resort to escape. The grenade works and they are free. Werner and Volkheimer part ways and Werner sets off on his mission.
  • The Bombing of Saint-Malo

    The Bombing of Saint-Malo
    The Allies begin bombing Saint-Malo. Werner and his team take shelter in the basement of the Hotel of Bees. The bombs cause the hotel to collapse, trapping Werner, Volkheimer, and Bernd. Bernd, an equal of Werner’s does not last long as he has been wounded by the collapse. He passes away and leaves Werner and his team leader, Volkheimer, to fend for themselves with limited supplies. They have little food, barely any water, a light, and a radio. The food and water disappear quickly.
  • The Rescue (Part One)

    When Werner reaches Marie Laure’s home, he discovers another man who is frantically looking for something. The Sergeant Major von Rumpel realizes that Werner is there as well and decides to eliminate the competition. Werner thinks the Sergeant is there to hurt Marie Laure and the Sergeant believes Werner is there to take the Sea of Flames. Von Rumpel threatens Werner and he must shoot him in self defense.
  • The Rescue (Part Two)

    After von Rumpel is shot, Werner searches the house for the girl. He finally finds a secret passageway behind a wardrobe and opens it to find the girl. He helps her find water and the two eat the last few cans of food she has in her house. The two introduce themselves and become acquainted. Marie Laure begins to fall for him as well.
  • Getting to Know Each Other

    After getting to know each other, Werner helps Marie Laure escape the city during a period of cease fire between the war parties. Marie Laure and Werner put the sea of flames in the sea hoping that would end the curse Marie had been under for so long.
  • Parting Separate Ways

    Before she leaves, Marie Laure gives Werner a model of the house she lived in as a gift of peace and remembrance. Soon after their departure, Werner is taken prisoner by the Allies and becomes ill. In the middle of the night, some weeks later, Werner deliriously walks into a minefield which triggers an explosion that kills him.
  • After the War

    Volkheimer delivers Werners last known possessions to his sister, Jutta. She tracks down Marie Laure to give back the house and gather information about her brother’s last few days of sanity. They share a moment while discussing Werner’s lifetime. He is remembered fondly by all he graced his presence with.