Decisions in my life

  • Finish Neumann János Primary School

    Finish Neumann János Primary School
    Opportunity cost: If I don't finish the Primary school, I couldn't go to Secondary School
  • Start Berzeviczy Gergely Bilingual Secondary School

    Start Berzeviczy Gergely Bilingual Secondary School
    Opportunity cost: If I didn't go to Berzeviczy Gergely Secondary School, I could go to another school for example:Gundel Károly Vendéglátóipari
    és Idegenforgalmi Szakképző Iskola
  • Finish fancing

    Finish fancing
    Opportunity cost: I have a chance to try another sports.I don't like it enough that's why I finished it
  • Start Athletic trainings in UTE

    Start Athletic trainings in UTE
    Opportunity cost: If i didn't start trainings in UTE, I have got much more time to do anything else, for example: learn more, spend more time with my dogs