Declaration Of Independence Timeline

  • Benjamin Franklin Join or Die

    Benjamin Franklin Join or Die
    Ben Franklin was afraid the American colonies would be weakened if they did not stand together
    Snake is a metaphor for the American colonies not joining together and becoming weaker
    His Albany Plan of Union was NOT successful;
  • Paul Reveres Bloody Massacre

    Paul Reveres Bloody Massacre British soldier fired into a crowd of Boston colonists protesting, killed several innocent colonists
    Paul Revere created an engraving showing the Boston Massacre
    Revere’s art was a piece of anti-British propaganda, showing the British soldiers killing American colonists
    Revere’s art led to people rallying and fighting the British in the American Revolution
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty dressed like Indians, climbed aboard British ships and dumped the British tea in the Boston Harbor as a way of protesting the Tea Act, the tax put on tea
    In the foreground of the illustration, the viewer sees many concerned colonists and angry British soldiers shouting in disbelief that so many chests of tea would be thrown overboard and into the ocean
  • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Pamphlet written in a way the common man could understand
    Stated that it was “common sense” for people to fight against a government that is too controlling
    Helped spark the American Revolution
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence After experiencing an oppressive, too controlling government, Thomas Jefferson wrote this document
    List of grievances about King George III and his tyrannical rule
    American colonies declared their independence from Britain’s control