
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    2.2 Niche-Picking
    I fall into the active genotype-environment correlation because my parents introduced me to softball, which it truly describes who I am. I chose softball because I wanted to follow in parents footsteps and stay active through my childhood to teenage years. Choosing softball has influenced myself in numerous ways by gaining friendships, becoming a leader on and off the field, and coaching the younger girls through passion. Softball has developed me into a leader younger girls admire.
  • 7.1 - Transition to Middle School

    7.1 - Transition to Middle School
    Transitioning from elementary to middle school was a small difference, especially going from being the big fish back down to the baby fish in the school. There was a lot more relationships and new friendships, which we were exploring our early teenage years. I started middle school in West Virginia, then went back home to Ohio and it was huge adjustment because I not only had to form new friendships, but I am hard of hearing and the students from the other elementary schools didn't know that.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    January 24, 2008 is appropriate for when I made the transition into an adolescent because I had just turned 14 and that's the beginning of teen years and wanting a little bit of independence from our parents. In reality, my transition to adolescence doesn't really match the transition to adolescence described in the book because I wasn't a rebellious teen growing up. Yes, I argued with my parents, but I didn't do stupid things because I had my mind set on playing sports through school.
  • 2.1 Late Maturer

    2.1 Late Maturer
    After reading about early maturation, I am considered a late maturer and ever since I had my first period I have been on an irregular schedule for my monthly periods. I'm glad I was a late maturer because my parents raised me right and I didn't cause them too much problems during puberty. As for my sexual maturation, I was mature and was considered a virgin through high school. I told myself and my parents that I wouldn't have sex till the right guy came around, which was summer 2015.
  • 3.2 - Social Comparison

    3.2 - Social Comparison
    As I went through my teenage years, I often compared myself to other teenage girls in my class. I wasn't that skinny now girly girl through high school, but I was athletic and dressed up girly when I felt like it. There were times that I just didn't want to be myself, which my Mom would talk to me and tell me to continue being myself and unique. That it doesn't matter what others think, as long as you're happy with yourself. In the end, I am still athletic, dressy here and there, and happy too.
  • 6.3: Function of Friendships - Companionship

    6.3: Function of Friendships - Companionship
    As for softball in Wyoming, my team and I grew companionship function of friendship. I say that because we didn't just enjoy sharing softball together, but enjoyed sharing other activities outside of softball together, plus enjoyed spending time with one another too. We had a strong connection and bond that we didn't want to separate the following year onto different teams, but knew we could always stay in touch and see each other everyday too.
  • 6.2: Function of Friendships - Stimulation

    6.2: Function of Friendships - Stimulation
    My best friend from high and I serve the function of stimulation because we had/still have fun when see each other, shared all kinds of information about one another, were always excited and amusing to be around, and we share a lot of similar things in common. We went through everything together, we fought like sisters and made up, which made us stronger as friends. We can't live without each other and both of us call each others families ours too.
  • 4.2 - Non-Gender Typed Behavior

    4.2 - Non-Gender Typed Behavior
    An example of non-gender typed behavior, is when boys and/or girls can join swimming, track, tennis, golf, etc., without feeling judged by joining a specific sport just for girls or boys. By joining a sport that is opened to everyone, it makes it more enjoyable and all the adolescents or kids learn more about one another as the season or competition season goes on.
  • 4.1 - Gender-Typed Behavior

    4.1 - Gender-Typed Behavior
    Towards the end of sophomore year, I was close friends with the quarterback of the football and we hung out quite often. Through his prosocial behavior, he showed me how a gentleman needs to act around and it's ok for girls to let their emotions out around their guy friends. He wasn't a typical guy that was rude or aggressed towards his girl friends, but he would always include myself and other girls to do things with him an his friends. He's still one of my best friends to this day.
  • 7.3 - Intrinsic Motivation

    7.3 - Intrinsic Motivation
    A time I experienced intrinsic motivation in school was when 10-12 grade have to read a certain number of pages each 3 to 6 weeks for English class. I was always determined to read more than the amount of pages needed because it helped boost my reading level higher than what it was. Another time was when I didn't fully understand the math we were learning in class and I have always wanted to make my parents proud of myself. So, I would always go in for extra help, which paid off with a B+ or A.
  • 3.1 - Personal Fable

    3.1 - Personal Fable
    2011 was the time I was learning who my real friends were. From graduating high school till now, I am still friends with my best friend and no one else really. I've learned everyones true colors and know who I want to be around that it positive towards myself and family. This falls between formal and post-formal operational thinking because it was during a time I was close to leaving the teenage years and I was thinking hypothetical-deductive reasoning for myself, as I was maturing to adulthood.
  • 6.1: Parental-Adolescent Conflict

    6.1: Parental-Adolescent Conflict
    Growing up, I didn't have that many conflicts with my parents. Some would call me the easy and laid-back child. As I went through my adolescence years, I would always butt heads with my Dad and feel bad about it afterwards. Yes, my parents had expectations for siblings and I, their logic behind that was to set a high level of parental monitoring, but taught us about alcohol about 17/18 years olds. My parents wanted us to learn from our mistakes, but also wanted to teach us a lesson as well.
  • 3.3 - Self-Protection

    3.3 - Self-Protection
    As a teenager, I went to home football and basketball games with peers, but on the weekends I preferred to hang with my parents. After winning a home softball tourney, we went to one of the girl's house for a sleepover and that changed my idea of hanging with friends on the weekends. Some of my peers were into partying at that time and most of those peers were my friends and I was choosing to stay in because I was protecting myself from what could go wrong and possibly get in trouble.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    January 24, 2014 is appropriate for when I made the transition into adulthood. I had just turned 20 and began my journey away from home that fall in Washington, D.C. Just venturing off on my own to Gallaudet in Washington, D.C. has really opened my eyes to adulthood to finish my education and to see the what the world has to offer. In reality, my transition into adulthood was really smooth with a few rocky roads along the way, but that's life in general and still learning the ropes of adulthood.
  • 8.1 - Rites of Passage

    8.1 - Rites of Passage
    Going from a teenager to emerging adult, I felt more responsibilities I had to do and coming-of-age is exactly as the book said. I wasn't like the normal teenagers, partying before their 21st or even before they hit adulthood. I was calm and enjoyed my last few years of my teenage lifestyle, before reality hit. Yes, I partied for my 21st but prefer casual drinking with family and close friends. But other than that, I was a nice and kept to myself teenager and who I am now today.
  • 7.2 - Transition to College

    7.2 - Transition to College
    The transition from high school to college was huge when you go from small town Wyoming to our Nation's Capital. I was scared and homesick because I hated the fact that I am a little over 2,000 miles away from my parents.Yes, I was excited to get independence, but at the same time I made sure I called my parents every night and still do to this day. Since coming to Gallaudet from high school, I have explored who I am and know who my true friends are.