European Theater by: Payton Smith

  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    This battle occured in the Atlantic ocean. Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, and the United States were involved in this battle. This battle lasted six years it was the war’s longest continuous military campaign. German U-boats, warships and later Italian submarines were damaged against Allied convoys transporting military equipment and supplies across the Atlantic to Great Britain and the Soviet Union.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    German warships made a number of attacks into the shipping lanes, aiming to catch and destroy Allied convoys.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle took place in Great Britain, Germany and Great Britain were the only two countries involved in the battle. The Battle of Britain was when Germany bombed Great Britain in order to try and destroy their air force and prepare for invasion. Germany wanted to invade Great Britain because they were the only major country left to fight them, but first they needed to destroy Great Britain's Royal Airforce.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This battle took place in Stalingrad, Russia. The battle was between Germany and Russia. The battle started when the German air force, the Luftwaffe, began bombing the Volga River and the then the city of Stalingrad. They destoryed most of the city. Soon the German army moved in and was able to take a large portion of the city, but the Soveit Union would not give up they turned the tide and one the battle by trapping the Germans and making them surrened.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad took place because Hitler ordered General Paulus to seize the oil fields in the Caucasus, but to do this he had to go through Stalingrad.
  • Battle of El Alamein, Egypt

    Battle of El Alamein, Egypt
    The Second Battle of El Alamein took place near the Egyptian railway. The countries involved in this battle were:United Kingdom, Australia, India, New Zealand, South Africa, Free French Forces, and Greece for thge allies. For the Axis were Germany and Italy. There was a bombardment on the night of 23 October then on the night of November 1st Montgomery began the secong phase of his attack Operation Supercharge. It was designed to break through the last part of the German defences.
  • Batlle of El Aramein, Egypt

    Batlle of El Aramein, Egypt
    This batle occure because the African krps were moving toward the suez canal and it would stop Britain from being able to supply themselves.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    This battle took place in French Morocco and French Algeria. The United States, United Kingdom, Free France, Canada, Australia, Netherland, Vichy France, and Germany. Operation Torch was the British-American invasion of French North Africa during the North African Campaign. Operation Torch was created because RUssia was pressing the Allies to start a new front to the war against the Germans in the Western sector of Europe.
  • Invasion of Sicily/Italy

    Invasion of Sicily/Italy
    The ivasion took place in Sicily and in Italy. The countries that were involved were United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy. The Allies’ Italian Campaign began with the invasion of Sicily in July 1943. After 38 days of fighting, the U.S. and Great Britain successfully drove German and Italian troops from Sicily. The Allies decided to move next against Italy, hoping an Allied invasion would remove that fascist regime from the war.
  • Invasion of Sicily/Italy

    Invasion of Sicily/Italy
    They hoped it would secure the central Mediterranean and divert German divisions from the northwest coast of France where the Allies planned to attack in the near future.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    Opperation overlord was created because the Allies wanted to recapture France.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    Operation Overlord was the Allied operation that launched the invasion of German occupied western Europe during World War II. The allies attacked with a force of over 150,000 men winning the battle. The first wave was with paratroopers, the next stage was planes bombing the beaches and then French resistence troops underground cut telephone lines and destroyed railroads, the final stage was ships filled with over 6,000 troops dropping them off on the beach. The battle was nicknamed D-Day.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Countries involved were United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourgish resistance, and Germany. it was an attempt to push the Allied front line west from northern France to northwestern Belgium. This happened in Belgium.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Hitler commited suicide by taking a cyanide pill and then shooting himself. He commited suicide because he was about to lose the war and thought he was going to be captured. He killed himself in the Fuhrer bunker. He killed himself with a girl he married the day before. Hitler killed himslef from the advice of the doctor because he told him the easiest way.
  • VE

    This was the day that Germany surrendered. Its celebrated in Europe because this marked the end of World War II. They signed a treaty in Reims, France, the treaty was meant to take effect the next day.