First Amendment Timeline

  • Sep 18, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Revolts against England's King John that urge him to recognize rights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen. The Magna Carta was established to show that no king or lawmaker is above the law. This establishes a structure for future documents such as the Declaration of Independence.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    The Petition of Right sets rights and liberties of the common man.
  • Massachusetts Body of Liberties

    Massachusetts Body of Liberties
    The first statement of American liberties is adapted by the Massachusetts General Court. The right to petition and a statement about due process is included in the document.
  • Religious Freedom

    Religious Freedom
    Religious freedom is granted by the Charter of Rhode Island.
  • Letter Concerning Toleration

    Letter Concerning Toleration
    In 1689 John Locke published the Letter Concerning Toleration. This provides the basis for George Mason’s proposed Article Sixteen of the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776, which deals with religion. "All Men should enjoy the fullest toleration in the exercise of religion," is Mason's proposal.
  • The First Dissenter Statute

    The First Dissenter Statute
    Connecticut passes the first dissenter statute and allows “full liberty of worship” to Anglicans and Baptists.
  • John Peter Zenger

    John Peter Zenger
    John Peter Zenger is tried for libel after publishing criticism of the Royal Governor of New York. His trial is an example of the freedom the of the press being first established.
  • Religion in Massachusetts

    Religion in Massachusetts
    Eighteen baptists worshipers were arrested because they didn't pay taxes to a church they didn't believe in.
  • The Final Draft

    The Final Draft
    The final draft of the Declaration of Independence is adapted by the Continental Congress.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Virgina's House of Burgesses releases the Virginia Declaration of Rights which is the first bill of rights to be included in the constitution.
  • Virginia State Bill

    Virginia State Bill
    The first draft of the Virginia state bill about religious freedoms is created by Thomas Jefferson.
  • New York Journal of Commerce and the New York World

    New York Journal of Commerce and the New York World
    New York Journal of Commerce and the New York World are newpapers that published forged a draft to send 400,000 men. President Lincoln ordered a union commander to arrest them but Lincoln stops the arrest.