French & Indian War

By Avery00
  • Jumonville skirmish

    Jumonville skirmish
    This was the opening event of the French and Indian War. It took place in Hopwood, Pennsylvania. George Washington and a small group attacked Canadians which provoked the French and caused the war.
  • Battle of Ft. Necessity

    Battle of Ft. Necessity
    This was also a leading cause to the war similar to Jumonville Skirmish. The fort was found by the French and they launched an attack of Indians on the British. This caused Washington to retreat to the fort. Due to being greatly out numbered the British were forced to surrender, but the French let them leave with their weapons.
  • Battle of Monongahela

    The British were trying to move on Ft. Duquesne but the French cut them off and The British General Braddock was killed in battle which caused them to loose the battle.
  • Fort Oswego

    Early on battle in the war won by the French. The French captured 1,700 and 121 cannons. The effect of this was an immediate effect on the British control on the Ontario area. The French were able to do this with a force of 3,000 men.
  • Fort William Henry captured

    Fort William Henry captured
    This fort was located in British New York. This was an easy victory for the French as the British fort was weakly defended. It is estimated that 200 people were killed in the attack.
  • General Forbes Campaign

    General Forbes Campaign
    Forbes greatest accomplishment was the capture of the French's coveted Fort Duquesne. Forbes was able to do this through a slow and methodical method. He made sure he had his supply chain and communication lines secure before starting the attack on the French. This meticulous preparation is what allowed him to conquer his enemy
  • Fort Louisbourg captured

    This was a pivotal moment in the 7 years war for the British. This led to the decolonization of the French in North America. There were poor weather conditions when the British attacked. They came in by sea and had few troops on the ground. The British burned down many of the French's ships causing them to surrender.
  • Fort Frontenac captured

    Fort Frontenac captured
    This battle took place at the east end of Lake Ontario. The British force of 3,000 marched on the fort and quickly forced the 110 Frenchmen inside to surrender. This was a key capture as it cut of a major French communication line.
  • Fort Duquesne destroyed

    Fort Duquesne destroyed
    The British attacked with a force of 6,000 men. The first wave of British attack of 850 was defeated by the French and Indian allies. Once the French saw how outnumbered they were they destroyed the Fort which caused them to move out of the Ohio river valley.
  • Treaty of Easton

    Treaty of Easton
    This was a Treaty between the British colonels and the Native American tribes. The treaty was to ensure that they would continue to control the Ohio river valley area. This treaty also settled conflicts from previous agreements that had been broken.
  • General Montcalm and Quebec

    General Montcalm and Quebec
    This general was the commander of the French forces during the 7 years war. In Quebec they were on the verge of starvation after a bad harvest season. The French had started to bombard the British city and pushed them out. General Montcalm made the mistake of attacking the British right away and this caused them to loose thew battle and lead to his death.
  • Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga

    The British had a force of 11,000 men prepared to attack the fort. The French only had 400 men to defend the fort. Due to the weak French and lopsided amount of British, the French attempted to blow up the Fort but did not to enough damage and the British took it over.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    This victory in for the British ensured their dominance of Canada. This led to the exit of the French from Canada a few months later.
  • Battle of Montreal

    This battle took place in between the US and Canadian border in Lake Ontario on the Thousand Islands. The French were able to hold off the advancing French and destroy 2 war ships and damage a third. This slowed them down on the way to Montreal but was not enough to defeat them.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This formally ended the 7 years war. This resulted in a British victory. It also marked the British dominance outside of Europe until the American Revolution where they were deflated. The Treaty resulted in the loss of French territories in North America.
  • Pontiac's War

    A group of disgruntled Native Americans were unhappy with the post-war governing of the British. Warriors from many tribes joined forces to rebel against the British. They destroyed 8 forts and killed many of the colonists. The Native Americans were unable to complete get rid of the British but, due to the rebellion the policies were changed. Some of the colonists were unhappy with the new polices and this was another early cause to the revolution.
  • Battle of Bushy run

    This was a battle during Pontiac's war. The Indians had taken a British fort and a group of British soldiers, despite serious casualties were able to take the fort back. The Indians were attacked early in the morning and scrambled into a frantic retreat from the British.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This was a proclamation from King George III which said that no British colonists where to settle past the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Fort Niagara captured

    The British attacked this fort to eliminate the French from the Great Lakes area and the Ohio river valley. After a French reinforcement group was defeated they surrendered the fort to the British.