French Revoloutin

By caleb47
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estates General Meeting

    Estates General Meeting
    A meeting of representatives from each of the three estates called by king louis.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The members of the third estate who were attending the meeting began to feel they were being treated unfairly.
  • Tennis Court Oath Declared

    Tennis Court Oath Declared
    They all swear not to leave until they have a new constitution.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The people of France overthrew the prison which was a symbol of tyranny and tore it down by hand.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man Written

    Declaration of the Rights of Man Written
    The people in the tennis court write a document saying that they want the power to the people. They want more freedoms and a democracy.
  • Legislative Assembly makes laws in France

    Legislative Assembly makes laws in France
    The lawmakers during the moderate stage of the Revolution.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis death by guillotine
  • Period: to

    Committee of Public Safety governs France

    They make many executions for little offense, anything against the Revolution results in death by guillotine.
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    The Reign of Terror

    Period in which most of the executions occurred.
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    The churches position in France was abolished and followers of the church were killed.
  • Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
    The killing of Robespierre.
  • Period: to

    The Directory controls France

    The interim government that controlled France immediately after the Revolution.
  • Napoleon takes over in a coup d’etat

    Napoleon takes over in a coup d’etat
    A sudden seizure of power usually by force.
  • Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church

    Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church
    Napoleon re-establishs the church with the French government but makes it so they have no power in important decisions.
  • Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code

    Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code
    A code that promoted authority and limited certain rights and freedoms.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
    Napoleon becomes emperor.
  • Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena

    Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena
    Napoleons death.