Carver 1

George Washington Carver by AD

  • George Washington Carver's birthdate

    George Washington Carver's birthdate
    The day of which Carver was born. No body knows for sure. There are two different dates that are used for his birth day so the one posted is the one that is used most often. The exact day of the month is unknown.
  • George Washington Carver's first college.

    George Washington Carver's first college.
    Carver enrolled into Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa as the very first African American student to ever be enrolled there.
  • George Washington Carver's second college.

    George Washington Carver's second college.
    Carver transferred to Iowa State College and was also the very first African American student to go there.
  • George Washington Carver graduates and designs something spectacular.

    George Washington Carver graduates and designs something spectacular.
    Carver graduates from Iowa State College. In the same year, he also designs the Jesup Wagon, in which, he would carry different agricultural plants, foods, technologies, etc. and take them to different places, especially in the South, to show to uninformed farmers.
  • George Washington Carver receives Spingarn medal.

    George Washington Carver receives Spingarn medal.
    Carver gets recognition for achievements and receives the Spingarn Medal from the National Association for the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP).
  • George Washington Carver works with peanut oil to help cure polio.

    George Washington Carver works with peanut oil to help cure polio.
    Carver works with a peanut oil massage to cure polio. He done a lot of research with peanut oil and the possibilities of which it obtains. Carver tried to help people with polio by using the peanut oil massage on them.
  • George Washington Carver meets Henry Ford.

    George Washington Carver meets Henry Ford.
    Carver meets Henry Ford and they ignite a close friendship, which stays strong for the rest of their lives.
  • George Washington Carver receives Roosevelt Medal.

    George Washington Carver receives Roosevelt Medal.
    Carver receives the Roosevelt Medal for amazing devotion to agriculture in the South.
  • George Washington Carver gets a museum named after him.

    George Washington Carver gets a museum named after him.
    A museum named the George Washington Carver Museum was dedicated at the Tuskegee Institute.
  • George Washington Carver's death date.

    George Washington Carver's death date.
    This is the date of which Carver passed away. In 1942, George fell down a flight of steps. He never recovered from the fall. It led to his death.