

  • 3500 BCE

    Emergence of the Indus Valley

    Emergence of the Indus Valley
    The Indus Valley is created in the West of the Himalayas and they used the Indus Valley as a resource. The were only 1 of 3 Ancient civilisations around then
  • 1800 BCE

    The Aryan people begin to arrive in Indus Valley

    The Aryan people begin to arrive in Indus Valley
    The Aryan people from china start to Invade The Indus Valley for land and resources.
  • 1700 BCE

    Indus Valley civilisation ends

    Indus Valley civilisation ends
    The Indus Valley civilisation ends after Too many invasions and too many floods from the Ancient river Sarswitise
  • 800 BCE

    The production of the first Hindu writing

    The production of the first Hindu writing
    Hinduism Events writing called Vedas which is used to make schools and communicate to other Hindus
  • 563 BCE

    Buddha is born

    Buddha is born
    Siddharta Gautama which is Buddha is born and becomes the founder of Buddhism a new religion.
  • 500 BCE

    The Persians invade Indus Valley

    The Persians invade Indus Valley
    The Persians discover the Indus Valley and invade and add. the Indus Valley to their empire
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander the great passes the Indus River

    Alexander the great passes the Indus River
    Alexander the great passes the Indus River while on the intent of taking over Asia
  • 321 BCE

    The Mauryan empire is founded

    The Mauryan empire is founded
    The maureen Empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya
  • 250 BCE

    Ashoka send out people to spread Buddhist religion

    Ashoka send out people to spread Buddhist religion
    The Emporer Ashoka sends out missionaries to spread the religion of Buddha across to Asia
  • 185 BCE

    The end of the Mauryan Emperor

    The end of the Mauryan Emperor
    The Emperor Brihadratha dies which brings the Mauryan empire to a stop which makes India divide into small kingdoms
  • 50 BCE

    The first Buddhist stupa built

    The first Buddhist stupa built
    The first Buddhist stuppa is built in Sanchi which is in India