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History of Forensic Science By: Ally, Allie and Hannah

  • Mathieu Orfila

    Mathieu Orfila
    He published the treatise on the detection of poisons which could determine if somone was murdered by poison.
  • Alphonse bertillion

    Alphonse bertillion
    Bertillonage system- identified individuals by measurements of the head and body, shape formations of ear, eyebrow, mouth and eye.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    novels contain first used of serology, ballistics, fingerprinting and document analysis in a crime scene situation which was soon encouraged in the real world
  • Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    Developed a reliable system of recording and identifying fingerprints
  • Hans Gross

    Hans Gross
    published the first treatise on applying science to criminal investigation, made a forensic journal
  • Edmund Locard

    Edmund Locard
    He opened up the first running Forensics Lab in France and is famous for "Locard's Exchange Principle" which means that every exchange between two subjects leaves a trace.
  • Albert Osborn

    Albert Osborn
    Published the book "Questioned Documents", which was used as a reference for document examiners
  • Leon Lattes

    Leon Lattes
    Leon Lattes devised a procedure which dried blood stains so that they could be classified by type.
  • Calvin Goddard

    Calvin Goddard
    Created the comparison microscope where two specimen can be observed, used it to analyze bullets and compare bulltets
  • J. Edgar Hoover

    J. Edgar Hoover
    established FBI's national fingerpring depositony and crime laboratory, fingerprint collection and national resource
  • Walter McrCrone

    Walter McrCrone
    Concluded that the world famous Turin Shroud was a medieval painting using microscopy techniques.