History Project

  • 1550

    Scientific Revolution (1550 - 1700)

    Scientific Revolution (1550 - 1700)
    This really transcendent period in the area of science, took place mainly in different European countries. Some of the main protagonists of this event were Nicholas Copernicus, which handworked in order to formulate the heliocentric theory, Isaac Newton, who proposed the 3 laws of motion and the Universal Law of Gravitation during this period and lastly but not least, Galileo Galilei who, during this years, effectively invented the microscope and the telescope.
  • The Enlightenment (1650 - 1800)

    The Enlightenment (1650 - 1800)
    One of the most remarkable intellectual movements that have taken place in the European continent. Some of the important characters of this period were: Johann Sebastian Bach, who was a german composer who created music that influenced later composers. Benjamin Franklin, who contributed effectively in U.S.A new government and Isaac Newton who introduced the world to gravity and laws of motion. There were uncountable events during this period, such as the creation of "Enclopedia".
  • American Revolution (1765 - 1783)

    American Revolution (1765 - 1783)
    American movement with the objective of becoming independent of foreign control, the most important characters were George Washington, who led the continental army, Benjamin Franklin, who agreed to approve the Declaration of Independence as a member of the Congress, and lastly John Adams who convinced the Congress to approve the Declaration. Positive outcomes were left after this event, most importantly the creation of the Declaration, the treaty of Paris and the Bill of Rights.
  • French Revolution (1789 - 1798)

    French Revolution (1789 - 1798)
    One of the most historic events that have ever happened in France, on which Napoleon Bonaparte, the main army leader, with the help of French people, abolished French monarchy. Another important character was Louis XVI, who was the French monarch on that time. The main outcomes of this event were the abolition of French Monarchy, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and as well armed countries with other European countries.
  • Napoleonic Empire (1799-1815)

    Napoleonic Empire (1799-1815)
    Period after the French Revolution on which Napoleon Bonaparte was so powerful that he even declared himself as emperor. Czar Alexander was the one who finally defeated Napoleon when he tried to invade Russia, and lastly Louis XVIII who was the one who took the place of Napoleon after he was exiled to the island of Alba in 1814. The main outcomes were that many people died due to Napoleon´s Empire, cities were burned and Louis XVIII took France´s throne.