How graffiti changed

  • The start of graffiti

    The start of graffiti
    Graffiti started with the form called tagging and it started in the late 1960s. Taki 183 was the first man to write his name on walls, in the subway and on other public places.
  • The first famous graffiti writer

    The first famous graffiti writer
    In 1971, Taki 183 made the New York Times and then he became the first famous graffiti writer in the city.
  • Graffiti's development

    Graffiti's development
    From 1971 to 1974 nearly all writers started using spray cans and the maded throw ups. Throw ups is quickly done bubble letters or some very simple pieces using only to colours or just one. The next graffiti form was called scale. Writers started to write their tags in larger scale.
  • Competition between graffiti crews

    Competition between graffiti crews
    In 1980, competition started between graffiti crews or just writers and to become the king you had to paint a hole subway or something very big in the public.
  • The buff

    The buff
    1980 to 1985 was a particularly tough time for all the writers. The buff or the deleters made it very hard for all writers to find a place where they could paint.