Human Rights

By Alesan
  • Aug 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Was created to solve the political crisis and injustice England was going through thanks to King John. There was a dispute going on between the barons, the church and the King, but things escalated quickly when the king’s army was defeated and refused to agree the barons’ terms.The Magna Carta was eventually signed by the King.It influenced many other countries such as US with the Bill of rights and the Universal Declaration. Aftermath (August, 1215): The pope anulled the charter causing war.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    After the Glorious Revolution, King James II was overthorn; Mary (his daughter) and William of Orange were proclaimed rulers of Great Britain under the new Bill of Rights. Contributions: it limited Royal power, Rights but only to English men and could not be taken away, taxation was impossible without the parliament's approval and it established the right of petition and just treatment.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    It is an official document that declares the US as an independent country. June 11-28 of 1776: Jefferson wrote the fist draft which took the idea of Natural Rights and gave freedoms and rights to all men. July 4, 1776: the declaration is adopted by the Continental Congress. Effects: it was a development of the human rights in democracy and freedom; it inspired other countries to pursue liberty and independence. One major shockwave was the French Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens

    Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens
    It's a core statement of the values of the French Revolution that had a major impact in the developments of democracy and liberty. Agusut 26, 1789: there was social inequality causing the third state to revolt against the King. The delcaration of the approval from the National Contituent Assembly was the first step towards the French Rev. Impacts: The Declaration served as a base for the Human Rights, it allowed the crration of the National Assembly and the participation of every class.
  • US Abolition of Slavery

    US Abolition of Slavery
    The slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln in 1865 after the US Civil war (North vs. South) though the Senate had approved it in April 8, 1864. Willian Garrison was called "The Liberator" because he fought to end slavery (mostly of black people); and Federick Douglass was the abolitionist leader. The Abolition of slavery was a huge contribution to the protection of the Human Rights and gave more liberties to black people.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism: economic, military and cultural influence of one country to another country. Some examples of this are: Second Intervention to Mexico from the US in Veracruz (1914) ; Angola’s Civil War (1975-2002); Indian Civil Liberties association (1936) between others. Some important people that fought against imperialism were/are Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Hiram Maxim and The Herero People. Imperialism was actually a reduction to the Human Rights because it violated them in many ways.
  • Holocaust

    A mass killing of 11 million people by the Nazis just because they were Jews, gypsies, Jehova's witnesses, homosexuals or disabled. They were brought to concentration camps were they were tortured or forced to overwork. Important peopl: Adolf Hitler was the Dictator and Military Leader of the Nazi Party; Theodor Eicke, Reinchard Heyrich and Heinrich Himmler.1933-Hitler was named German Chancellor.1945-Hitler was finally defeated and concentration camps were closed.1948-UN adopts the Human Rights