Bloedafname sanquin

If the blood transfusion hadn't invented

  • Blood transfusion was invented by William Harvey

    Blood transfusion was invented by William Harvey
    In the seventeenth century Williams Harvey, after many trials and failures he invented the blood transfusion.
  • If he hadn't invented the blood transfusion this had not happened

    If he hadn't invented the blood transfusion this had not happened
    The first blood transfusion to a human was carried out by the French mathematician Jean Baptiste Denis, in June 1667.
  • Francis Galton would not said that the blood transfusions affect the heritage

    Francis Galton would not said that the blood transfusions affect the heritage
    Galton rejected the theory of pangenesis conducting a series of experiments with mice to determine whether blood transfusions altering heritable characters.
  • if Harvey hadn't invented the blood transfusion, many peaople have died after the Spanish Civil War.

    if Harvey hadn't invented the blood transfusion, many peaople have died after the Spanish Civil War.
    in the Spanish Civil War more people have died for have not a blood transfusion that hitler air bombers.
  • The Hitler soldiers were saved by penicillin and blood transfusions.

    The Hitler soldiers were saved by penicillin and blood transfusions.
    If Mr. Harvey hadn't invented the blood transfusion, we calculated that the number of deads have been the double
  • If he hadn't invented the blood transfusion the pope has not said this wise sentence

    If he hadn't invented the blood transfusion the pope has not said this wise sentence
    Pope Juan Pablo II has said that forcing someone to violate their conscience "is the most painful that can be inflicted to human dignity, in a sense, is worse physical kill, than murder"
  • If this procedure had nor invented Jeovah's witnesses said not that bloods tranfusion can to send everybody to the hell

    If this procedure had nor invented Jeovah's witnesses said not that bloods tranfusion can to send everybody to the hell
    the true blood that saves lives is the Lord Jesus, the body can not be modified because it is from God
  • without the blood transfusions, probably I had be dead

    without the blood transfusions, probably I had be dead
    when I have a serious dissease, the medic personal had to operate me, provide me some medicines and blood
  • If he had not invented the blood tranfusion, can't we see this scientific advance

    If he had not invented the blood tranfusion, can't we see this  scientific advance
    French scientists created and successfully used artificial blood, to grow red blood cells in the laboratory and transfundirlas a volunteer.
  • If he had not invented the blood transfusions, we know not this discovery

    If he had not invented the blood transfusions, we know not this discovery
    The ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1901, making it the first known blood group, its name comes from the three types of groups are identified: the antigen A, antigen B, and "O"