
By rrose
  • Germany takes over Tanzinia

    Germany was experimenting with a variety of 'rural development' policies
  • Germany colonizes Namibia

    Germany establised a tradeing post there called Lüderitzbucht.
  • germany colozies parts of New Guinea

    Germany wanted power in Asia and was competting with Great Britan
  • Germany Colonizes Cameroon

    For Labior and becaue they invested in Cameroon
  • Germany takes over Nauru

    Germany was experimenting with a variety of 'rural development' policies
  • Germnay Takes over Solomon Islands

    They took the Solomon Islands for trade
  • Germany begins to take over Rawanda

    Germany needed coffee plants so they took over Rawanda as a coffee farming area
  • Germany takes over Austria

    For politcal gain and so the Austrian and Germnay Nazis could unite